New Tattoo

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Renal Sympathetic-Nerve Ablation

Article Title: Renal Sympathetic-Nerve Ablation
Article Snip: "...This is the most exciting development in hypertension since the advent of anti-hypertensive medication 50 years ago. It is hard to forecast the limitations and it could eventually be compared to medication," said Mel Lobo, a specialist in clinical hypertension with Britain's National Health Service. ..."

Scientists find possible cure for hypertension

Article Title: Scientists find possible cure for hypertension
Article Snip: "...The procedure called renal sympathetic-nerve ablation is likely to offer some respite to the sufferers who do not benefit from medication, the scientists stated. "This is the most exciting development in hypertension since the advent of anti-hypertensive medication..."

Monday, December 21, 2009

Pulmonary hypertension: USA doctors offer hope, treatment for rare disease

Article Title: Pulmonary hypertension: USA doctors offer hope, treatment for rare disease
Article Snip: "...diagnosed with a rare and dangerous form of pulmonary hypertension characterized by continuous high blood pressure in the lungs. Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension..."

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hormones and MS in Women

Last time I saw my Neuro about 6 months ago, he mentioned to me that I should probably not have serious MS progression until after I hit Menopause. Not that I won't have flares or that he was determining my disease progression, because we all know that's not possible, but that I may experience the more debilitating symptoms after I begin Menopause. After hearing this at that time I took pause and thought, it makes sense. Part of what may control our disease could very well be hormonal.

I remember thinking of my mother who had MS and while she was pregnant with my younger brother and sister (10 years my junior) all of her symptoms went away and immediately after the "twins" were born, naturally at that, she came home in a wheelchair and never got out of it again. I won't rehash my mothers story as it is not my story. But it has most definitely influenced my choices and how I live with MS. One of those being mindful of hormonal levels and preparing for when my hormones start to change.

While I could be 10-15 years away from beginning Menopause, my mother went through it early, in her late 30's. Which is exactly the same time she began the progressive track of the disease. So, while at my Gynecologist this past week I mentioned what my Neurologist had said and asked about how Pregnancy Hormones influence our bodies. To my surprise, my gyno completely understood what I was speaking of and was familiar treating women with MS who are pregnant.

The hormone believed to make all those pesky symptoms go away during pregnancy is Estriol. Estriol is one of the main 3 estrogens produced by the human body. I've been doing some research and found that studies regarding Estriol and MS are and have been underway and for that I am thankful. My Gynecologist mentioned to me of some self-pay hormonal treatment centers that are in my area and some of the Synthetic Compounds of Estriol that are becoming available. While she said it isn't something she would recommend for me yet, nor was she promoting them, she did want me to know about it. But also that it is quite expensive.

Some of the results I read about from the MS Studies included up to 80% reduction in active lesions and improved cognitive function. I'm not going to write a complete paper on Estriol and MS, but, I want to make sure women with MS are aware of the link. I had already planned on taking replacement hormonal therapy when I am menopausal, this is just one more reason to consider it.

Please do share any knowledge you have about this topic in the comments section!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hypertension Drug Lots Face Voluntary Recall

Article Title: Hypertension Drug Lots Face Voluntary Recall
Article Snip: "...Nine lots of the injectable hypertension drug clevidipine (Cleviprex) have been recalled because of potentially harmful debris visible in some vials during an annual inspection, the FDA announced...."

Healthy Christmas Snacks

Healthy Christmas

Following on from the illuminating suggestions about healthy alternatives for a healthy Christmas dinner here we offer our seasonal ideas for healthy festive snacks

Did you know?

  • There are almost 6g of fat in a single 37ml shot of Bailey's Irish Cream?
  • Two cans of Stella Artois contain 442 calories (the same as 1.5 Mars bars)?
  • Just one segment of a Terry's Chocolate Orange has 46 calories and 2.5g of fat?

Instead of: Dry-roasted or salted peanuts

Why not: Brazil nuts, peanuts and walnuts in their shells. There's no added salt and trying to open them will give you a work out too!

Instead of: Closed shop-bought mince pies with cream or sugar

Why not: Open-topped home-baked mince pies (less sugar and calories) with apple slices or clementine pie.

Instead of fun food why not no-fun food?

Keep your powder dry and your blood pressure low - seasons greetings!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What is Prednisone?

Last week I’m attacked by vicious allergic disease. I’m visiting my doctor for a medication. There is no clear root cause of my allergic disease. The doctor gave me some allergic medicine. There was one allergic medicine that I never known before. This made me embittered. This name is PREDNISONE. I tried to ask this allergic medicine to UNCLE GOOGLE and here is the description I found.

Generic Name : PREDNISONE
Pronunciation : (pred' ni sone)
Trade Name(s) : Deltacortril, Hostacortin, Wysolone

Why it is prescribed: Prednisone, a corticosteroid, is similar to a natural hormone produced by our adrenal glands. It relieves inflammation (swelling, heat, redness, and pain) and is used to-treat certain forms of arthiritis and skin, blood, kidney, eye, thyroid, and intestinal disorders (e.g., colitis). Prednisone also is used with other drugs to prevent rejection of transplanted organs and to treat ceratain types of cancer, severe allergies, and asthma.

When it is to be taken:
  1. Follow the instructions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor to explain any part that you do not understand.
  2. If you are to take prednisone every other day, take it at breakfast on the first day and do not take it at all on the second day. Then take it at breakfast on the third day, do not take it at all on the fourth day, and so on.
  3. If you are to take prenisone once a day, take it in the morning with breakfast.
  4. If you are to take prednisone more than once a day, take it at evenly spaced intervals between the time you wake up in the morning and the time you go to the bed at night. For example, if your doctor tells you to take it three times a day, take it at 7 a.m., and 11 p.m.
How it should be taken: Prednisone comes in tablets, oral liquid, concentrate, and syrup to be taken orally. Your prescription label tells you how much to take at each dose. You may obtain a specially marked measuring spoon to be sure of an accurate dose of the solution and syrup. Use the specially marked dropper that comes with the concentrate to measure the dose.

Special Instruction :
  1. Keep all appointments with your doctor and the laboratory. If you take prednisone for a long time, you probably will have periodic blood test; X-rays; eye examinations; blood pressure, height, and weight measurements; and physical examinations.
  2. Checkups are particularly important for children because prednisone can slow bone growth.
  3. Prednisone must be taken regularly to be effective. However, do not take more of it, do not take it more often, and do not take it for a longer period than your doctor has directed.
  4. If your condition worsens, contact your doctor; your dose may need to be adjusted. Do not stop taking prednisone without consulting your doctor.
  5. Stopping the drug abruptly can cause loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, stupor, headache, fever, joint and muscle pain, peeling skin, and weight loss.
  6. If you take large doses for a long time, your doctor probably will want to decrease your dose gradually to allow your body to adjust before stopping the drug completely.
  7. Your doctor may instruct you to weigh yourself every day. Report any unusual weight gain. Tell every doctor, dentist, and surgeon who treats you that you take prednisone.
  8. Your doctor may instruct you to follow a low-sodium, low-salt, potassium-rich, or high-protein diet. Follow these directions.
  9. When you start to take prednisone, ask your doctor what to do if you forget a dose. Write down these instructions so that you can refer to them later.
  10. In general, if you take prednisone every other day and remember a missed dose on the morning of the day you should have taken it, take the missed dose as soon as you remember it. If you remember as missed dose on that afternoon, start a new schedule. Take the missed dose on the next morning, do not take it at all on day two, and take the nextdose on the morning of day three.
  11. If you take prednisone once a day, take the missed dose as soon as you remember it. If you do not remember a missed dose until it is time for your next dose, omit the missed dose completely and take only the regularly scheduled dose.
  12. If you take more than one dose a day, take the missed dose as soon as you remember it; then take any remaining doses for that day at evenly spaced intervals. If you remember a missed dose when it is time for you to take another, you may take both doses at one time.
Side Effects :
  1. Nausea, vomiting, stomach irritation. Take this medication with food or milk. If these effects persist or your stools become black and tarry, contact your doctor.
  2. Headache, dizziness, insomnia, restlessness, depression, anxiety, unusual moods, acne, thinned skin, increased sweating, increased hair growth, reddened face, easy bruising, tiny purple skin spots, irregular or absent menstrual periods. If these effects persist or are severe, contact your doctor.
  3. Skin irritation, itching, or swelling . Contact your doctor at once.
  4. Long-term therapy problems: weight gain; swollen feet, ankles, and lower legs; muscle pain and weakness; eye pain; vision problems; puffy skin; a cold or infection that lasts a long time. Contact your doctor.
Other Precautions :
  1. Before you take prednisone, tell your doctor what prescription and nonprescription medications you are taking, especially aspirin, arthritis medication, anticoagulants, diuretics, estrogen (e.g., birth-control pills), phenytoin, rifampin, and Phenobarbital.
  2. Do not have a vaccination, other immunization, or any skin test while you are taking prednisone unless your doctor specifically tells you that you may.
  3. Before you take prednisone, tell your doctor if you are pregnant, think that you may be pregnant, wish to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding. If you become pregnant, contact your doctor. Prednisone can harm an unborn or breast-fed baby.
  4. Before you take prednisone, tell your doctor your entire medical history, particularly if you have liver, kidney, intestinal, or heart disease an under active thyroid high blood pressure; myasthenia gravis; osteoporosis; herpes eye infection; or a history of tuberculosis, seizures, ulcers, or blood clots.
  5. If you have a history of ulcers or take large doses of aspirin or other arthritis medication, limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages while taking prednisone.
  6. Prednisone can make your stomach and intestines more susceptible to the irritating effects of alcohol, aspirin, and certain arthritis medications, increasing your risk of ulcers.
  7. Report any injuries or signs of infection that occur during treatment and within 12months after treatment with prednisone. Your dose may need to be adjusted or you may need to start taking the drug again.
  8. If you have diabetes, prednisone may increase your blood sugar level. Test your urine for glucose frequently and contact your doctor if sugar is present; your dose of diabetes medication and your diet may need to be changed. Do not allow anyone else to take this medication.
Storage Conditions :
  1. Keep this medication in the container it came in, tightly closed, and out of the reach of children.
  2. Store it at room temperature.
For final summary I suggested to all of you, beware about the medicine gave by your doctor. Ask to him the description of the medicine to the pharmacist or your doctor before you consume it.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Link between lead and hypertension

Article Title: Florida A&M, Harvard study link between lead and hypertension
Article Snip: "...Officials from the two universities have been awarded $6 million by the National Institute of Health to see if there is a correlation between high-blood pressure and lead in the body..."

'Demystifying Psychiatry'

Article Title:Book demystifies psychiatry for the general public
Article Snip: "...high blood pressure or diabetes," says Zorumski. "Those illnesses don't get cured. They're managed over time. And that's one of the things we really want consumers, and those who have illnesses, to understand. The expectation that a pill or some other form of treatment is going to cure you is really inappropriate, just as it is inappropriate with high blood pressure and other common illnesses." ..."

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Body clock link to heart disease

Article Title: Body clock link to heart disease
Article Snip: "...Japanese team found a genetic risk factor for a form of high blood pressure is influenced by 24-hour or circadian rhythms. ..."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

An Orgasm makes you healthier!

In this century some women suffer from some form of 'Female Sexual Dysfunction’ and often placing the blame on themselves for their inability to reach orgasm. Stop blaming yourself. If you are alone, masturbation will help you find what feels right for you. If you have a partner, talk to them. Often the clitoris is under stimulated during sexual intercourse - which is how many women have an orgasm. If you have orgasms from your cervix being stimulated, tell your partner about this. Or, whatever else does it for you to get orgasms.

Why must got orgasms? Here is some facts about orgasms.

Orgasms: Relieve tension! The faster heartbeat, the increased blood flow and muscular tautness associated with sexual pleasure all come to a relaxing conclusion with an orgasm, and in the process relieve tensions pent up in your nervous system.

Orgasms: Help you sleep better. While an orgasm is followed in the male by a quick drop in blood pressure and sudden relaxation, the effect on women is more progressive but no less important. Orgasms act as a natural tranquilizer. That wonderful release of endorphins is very calming.

Orgasms: Calm your cravings for junk food and sometimes for cigarettes. Sexual stimulation activates the production of phenetylamine, a kind of natural amphetamine that regulates your appetite. So, before you pig-out, maybe go to your room. :)

Orgasms: Burn calories. An “active” session of 15 – 20 minutes of sex can burn as much as 200 calories.

Orgasms: Can work as natural pain management.

If you ever noticed forgetting about a headache or menstrual cramps while masturbating or having sex, it is not simply a psychological phenomenon. Endorphins, (natural compounds close to morphine) are released by your body during sex and can increase your tolerance to pain by as much as 70% during orgasm. This will vary from person to person.

Please remember to ALWAYS practice safe sex and also know the age of consent laws where you reside. This does not imply that you indulge in casual and unrestrained sex.

For more sex education visit

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Claim: High Blood Pressure Will Increase People’s Risk of Losing Their Hair

Article Title: The Claim: High Blood Pressure Will Increase People’s Risk of Losing Their Hair
Article Snip: "...Scientists are not exactly sure why, but a number of studies have suggested a relationship between blood pressure and men’s baldness, particularly the early-onset kind. ..."

Sunday, December 6, 2009

High Blood Pressure Symptoms : Other Therapy

High Blood Pressure Symptoms : Other Therapy

Alternative therapies may be helpful to people trying to control their blood pressure.

* Acupuncture and biofeedback are well-accepted alternative techniques that may help some people with high blood pressure.

* Techniques that induce relaxation and reduce stress are recommended. These include meditation, yoga, and relaxation training.

* These techniques alone will not keep the blood pressure in the healthy range for many people. Do not use these as a substitute for medical therapy without first talking this over with your health care provider.

Dietary supplements and alternative medications and therapies are sometimes recommended for high blood pressure.

* Examples are vitamins, garlic, fish oil, L-arginine, soy, coenzyme Q10, herbs, phytosterols, and chelation therapy.
* While these substances may be beneficial, the exact nature of their benefits is not known.
* Scientific studies have produced no evidence that these therapies lower blood pressure or prevent the complications of high blood pressure.
* Most of these substances are harmless if taken in moderate doses. Most people can take them without problems.

* Talk to your health care provider if you are considering any of these treatments. Substituting these therapies for medical therapies that have been shown to lower blood pressure and the risk of complications may have a harmful effect on your health.
High Blood Pressure Symptoms

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Obesity! Can obesity attack children? How to prevent obesity in children?

Obesity not only attack adult. Obesity is also a child problem. Childhood obesity is not an easy thing to over come in today's society. As more and more fast food joints pop up in neighborhoods and advertisements of junk food keep aiming at children. It is not an easy task to sway your child to eating healthy and properly. It seems frustrating knowing there are so much unhealthy choices of consumption for your child. So what is a parent to do in this day and age?

Nutritionist says babies began to be treated for obesity as adults. These treatments include drugs that control weight, but gastric bypass surgery type.

Like adults, children are not easy or convenient to weight loss and so much of obese children turn into obese adults. The first objective in bringing the child to a healthy weight should not be in a first phase of excessive weight loss, but stopping the process of weight gain and thus time, as the child grows in height, distribution pounds will change.

In general, weight loss should reduce the number of calories consumed as solid food and liquids to make more movement and more importantly, to combine the two. Concept, one kilogram of fat contains 7,000 calories and then have to burn 7,000 calories to lose a kilo or to swallow 7,000 calories to make one kilograms.

For example, for a child to lose weight one kilograms every two weeks he should reduce daily caloric intake by 500 calories. At the same time, it is necessary to permanently numbers calories, if a calculation is made weekly, you will see where the excess.

Helping overweight children to lose weight is important, but is also essential to prevent obesity. This process should begin since childhood and is not easy, especially if the parents are overweight.

Bad eating habits and physical inactivity are the first manifestations of child behavioral tendency to weight gain.

Here are some measures that could be preventive but curative that can help children predisposed to obesity:
  • Limiting the number of calories from liquids they consume to the child. Many children drink too much fruit juice daily and carbonated liquids.
  • Avoid frequent meals of fast food.
  • Watch your portion sizes consumed at every meal. A common problem of overweight children is that portions are too large.
  • Children should not be forced to "clean plate". To learn to eat healthy, they need to know to stop when you are tired and even a little before.
  • Encourage daily physical activity should also be a priority, walking with her parents and grandparents, playing outside the house, cycling, team sports.
  • Limit TV and computer time granted and avoid eating during these activities.
  • Communication and discussions about healthy nutrition are important but excessive insisting on notions of "calorie", "fat" and "diet" in general, may frustrate the child and lead to imbalances. It is essential that the father be a model for children by eating well and how the physical activity took place daily.

FDA Approves IV Sildenafil for Hypertension

Article Title: FDA Approves IV Sildenafil for Hypertension
Article Snip: "...The tablet form of sildenafil was approved in 2005 to improve exercise ability and delay clinical worsening for patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. The clinical worsening delay was observed in patients who took sildenafil during epoprostenol therapy...."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Heart Failure Linked to Gene Variant Affecting Vitamin D Activation

Article Title: Heart Failure Linked to Gene Variant Affecting Vitamin D Activation
Article Snip: "...roles in vitamin D regulation and hypertension. One-third of the subjects had both hypertension and congestive heart failure, one-third had hypertension alone and one-third were included as healthy controls. The results showed..."

Monday, November 30, 2009

Paid reviews can boosting your site traffic

To review something means to evaluate it. An evaluation generally relies on the reviewer’s personal knowledge or experience concerning an item. Paid reviews are those in which the person giving the evaluation has been paid to do so. Some people question this practice, wondering if people who write paid reviews are able to remain impartial.

There are a lot of paid to reviews program around the Internet. They have several ways in attracted the reviewer and advertiser to join with them. They almost have same program, bonus, reward, earning and payment method but not all of them was really pays the blogger. Paid to reviews that not pay the blogger calls SCAM program.

To avoid us from SCAM program, I would like to introduce one of the paid to review program that was really pay us. It was This paid reviews program was really pay us with big earnings. And for advertiser, don’t worry about the reviewer. Almost of the reviewer has a great blogs or site and have a good writings. Advertisers can grow up their product and services sales. So, don’t wasting your time. Let’s join us.

Advertise with my Blog

Clonidine... a great way to control your high blood pressure

Article Title: Clonidine... a great way to control your high blood pressure.
Article Snip: "...blood pressure has been down at a good level ever since I have been on this medication. I do not have the dizzy spells, fatigue, or stomach sickness which I was getting from my high blood pressure so I feel MUCH better now thanks to Clonidine. ..."

Levodyn - Natural Blood Pressure Reducer?

Article Title: Levodyn
Article Snip: "...High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of disease and early death in America. ... Using Levodyn will lower your blood pressure to healthy levels and..."

Two Studies Show Non-Drug Alternatives to Lowering Blood Pressure

Article Title: Two Studies Show Non-Drug Alternatives to Lowering Blood Pressure
Article Snip: "...Increasing potassium consumption has been shown to lower blood pressure in a study from St. George’s Medical School in London, published in April 2005. When they compared the ability of ..."

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Foods That Lower High Blood Pressure

Many people wonder if there are really foods that lower high blood pressure.While there are a few foods that are important in a diet for someone with hypertension, most importantly is what you SHOULD NOT eat. Avoiding certain foods can help your numbers drop significantly. Be sure to exercise regularly, reduce stress through deep-breathing or yoga, and don't smoke. Other than common sense, here are a few things that really work:

1. Add potassium to your diet. Many people who have high blood pressure are lacking potassium in their diet. Many fresh fruits and vegetables contain potassium.

2. Reduce your salt intake. Sodium has long been known for increasing blood pressure. Avoid adding extra salt to your food, and read labels for sodium content. Processed foods are usually packed full of salt, so be careful with those as well.

3. Avoid alcohol, or drink very little. A small glass or two of red wine each day may not hurt, but if you drink more than that you are asking for trouble! Alcohol substantially increases blood pressure.

4. Eat lots of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, along with low fat dairy. Try to avoid foods that contain large amounts of saturated fats and cholesterol.

There are many foods that will help in your efforts to lower high blood pressure. Dry beans, cooked without adding too much sodium, are a good choice as are whole grain breads and muffins. Green vegetables, foods containing a good deal of fiber and yogurt are good choices. Steer clear of donuts, pastries, deep fried foods and full-fat dairy products when possible.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Medical Assistant Opportunity

Now, there are many opportunities in medical jobs. As we know, right now peoples more care about their health. Many people go to medical program to remove their disease or improve their health. So there is good opportunity in medical assistant jobs. There is not easy for completing our competences in medical assistant. As a sample, if you want to become a nurse you shall have a LPN (License Practical Nurse). But don’t worry there are many medical academy that can release LPN for you. By the way, what is LPN?

Licensed practical nurses (LPNs), or licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) (in California and Texas), or registered practical nurses (RPNs) (in Ontario, Canada). It does take about 9-12 months to become LPN, usually no degree earned, many just have a certificate and not a degree, trained to take vital signs, i.e., height, weight, blood pressure, temperature, respiration, and pulse. pass certain medications, can do certain skills like treating bed sores and other wounds / dressing changes, etc.. Feature articles bring the practical nurse up-to-date on what he or she needs to know about caring for patients with common disease states, such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, neurologic diseases, diabetes, and wounds. Full-color artwork illustrates and reinforces key points to enhance the learning process. Regularly appearing departments address important clinical concerns, such as continence, mobility, nutrition, infection, and patient safety. LPN helps the practical nurse strengthen his or her clinical skills and build confidence while also offering advice on documentation, practice issues, and career development.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

High Salt Intake Boosts Stroke, CVD Risk

Article Title:
Article Snip: "...Previous studies have indicated that a reduction of about 6 g/day of salt intake translates to a 7/4-mm Hg reduction in blood pressure in those with hypertension and a 4/2-mm Hg reduction in normotensive individuals, changes that at a population level would be expected to reduce stroke by about 24% and coronary heart disease by 18%, they write...."

Friday, November 20, 2009

Alternative Cancer Treatment

Today there are many way of treatment to cure cancer in which people can choose to fight cancer. Most of these treatments have been used traditionally long time ago.

Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy utilizes essential oils and fragrant substances from a plant’s flowers, stalks, bar, roots, or leaves. These scents are released into the air, creating a calming environment to promote relaxation and relieve stress. Aromatherapy can be performed by a practitioner, but individuals may also use aromatherapy without a practitioner present. The fragrant oils are applied to the skin or added to bath water Aromatherapy is used to relieve stress but is also used to treat a variety of ailments, including infections, depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure. It is important for an individual to consult a doctor before determining the appropriate use for aromatherapy in an overall alternative cancer treatment or alternative treatment for another disease.

Acupuncture: This form of alternative cancer treatment derived from the Chinese and is one of the oldest therapies in the world. For the past 20 years, acupuncture has become more popular in the United States, and is being used alone or with conventional Western medicine as a way to control pain, reduce nausea, and help ailing patients who have chronic diseases. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles into the body at certain depths in specific areas of the body. Generally, the procedure is not painful, although some people have reported feeling a deep aching sensation when the needle reaches the correct depth within the body. Acupuncture sessions usually last about 30 minutes, and generally, a patient will have up to 12 total sessions. Anyone who is considering acupuncture as an alternative cancer treatment should talk to their doctor to determine if this is the best option for treatment. A doctor may also be able to recommend a qualified acupuncture practitioner.

Massage therapy: In an effort to relieve muscle tension and stress, massage therapy is performed on an individual by a practitioner who kneads the body’s muscle and soft tissue. Massage has been shown to alleviate pain, increase circulation, and promote overall well being. This alternative cancer treatment can be used in addition to other alternative cancer treatment options. However, it is important to consult a doctor to help seek out a licensed massage therapist.

Anxiety, High Blood Pressure and Stress

Yup. It's back. I have been doing so well at work for 4 months now that I've taken on much more responsibility including some management. My mind loves it, my body doesn't. I've been through this so many time with my past 2 jobs and I just can't figure out the balance. The Ying/Yang. More than anything I think the negativity at these jobs just pushes me over the limit.

My Boss was away this week so I was in charge of 11 people. 11 people who are working somewhere they don't want to be and are unfulfilled. 11 people who just complain all day about the heavy workload and the lack of help they get from other departments. All of which is true, but, hey, complain to management, not the fill in manager. I'm one of those people who everyone wants to talk to because I am a good listener. I listen. So I take on their stress and it just multiplies in my body.

I've got to find a way to manage stress and not let it send me into a MS Flare or make me feel so bad that I start missing too much work and loose my job. I've not lost a job yet, but did have to quit my last one because I couldn't take it. My mind can pretty much handle everything, it's the body that can't. It all starts the same way, GERD acts up, then my blood pressure rises, then anxiety attacks. The GERD has been happening for weeks now, I of course just ignore it and try to change my diet and hope it goes away. NOT. This week my BP was high several days and I get migraines because of it. last night it was 156/110, night before 170/99 - you get the idea. However, I don't want to do a BP Pill because I know it is just stress induced. Wed, Thurs and Fri I had to take an anxiety pill to calm myself down and lower my BP (nice side effect).

So, today I called my Boss told him how it was and that I would not be into work today. I am not superwoman. I feel I can be mentally, but even wonder woman needs to rest. So, Monday he and I will have a chat and discuss my role going forward and how I DO NOT want to be a manager in any way shape or form. That simple.

Has anyone ever experienced similar symptoms? And you just know things aren't going to get better till you make a change? It is so rewarding to be back at work, however, my health has been on the decline due to stress since I got back in the work force. I know it, I ignore it as long as I can and now we are back to the vicious cycle or circle. I'm not being negative about it, it's just the way it is. So what changes can I make this time to NOT be another few months down the road and have to quit again. Because my husband is still unemployed so quitting (which I DO NOT want to do) is not even an option. Heck just TODAY we finally have health insurance again. I'm open to suggestions here! Tell me your experience with Stress, Work, Life and suggestions you have. :)

Maybe I need a stress ball... hehe

Chips for Health | Chip on Shoulder

Got High Blood Pressure?

try a chip on your shoulder?

We may literally have to shoulder the responsibility of taking our medicines in the future. Pharmaceutical company Novartis has found a microchip on the shoulder may be the perfect way to remind people with high blood pressure to take their pills.

Researchers trialled the system on 20 people who were taking blood pressure tablets. Each person put a microchip patch on their shoulders, and tablets also contained a tiny edible microchip of their own. The chips in the tablets told the shoulder chips when they had been taken.

When a person forgot to take their tablet, the shoulder chip sent a text message to their mobile phone - including the latest pay as you go phones - to remind them that their next one was due.

Over the six-month trial 80 per cent of people remembered to take their tablet every day, compared with 30 per cent before the trial started.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Important information about swine flu

Swine flu is the common name given to a new strain of influenza (flu). It is called swine flu because it is thought to have originated in pigs, but this is not certain. Swine flu (swine influenza) is a respiratory disease caused by viruses (influenza viruses) that infect the respiratory tract of pigs and result in nasal secretions, a barking-like cough, decreased appetite, and listless behavior. The viruses name is H1N1 virus.

Swine flu produces most of the same symptoms in pigs as human flu produces in people. Swine flu can last about one to two weeks in pigs that survive. Swine influenza virus was first isolated from pigs in 1930 in the U.S. and has been recognized by pork producers and veterinarians to cause infections in pigs worldwide.


So far, most swine flu cases have been mild, with symptoms similar to those of seasonal flu. Only a small number of people have had more serious symptoms.

If you or a member of your family has a fever or high temperature (over 38°C/100.4°F) and two or more of the following symptoms, you may have swine flu:
  • Unusual tiredness,
  • Cough
  • Headache,
  • Runny nose,
  • Sore throat,
  • Chills
  • Shortness of breathes or coughs,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Aching muscles,
  • Diarrhea or vomiting.
How dangerous is it?

It is difficult to judge this at the moment. Like any other type of flu, people can die from swine flu if they develop complications, such as pneumonia. There have been deaths, but for most infected people the symptoms have not been severe. It appears that early doses of antiviral medicines such as Tamiflu and Relenza are effective in helping people to recover.


The virus was first identified in Mexico in April 2009. It has since become a pandemic, which means it has spread around the globe. It has spread quickly because it is a new type of flu virus that few, if any, people have full resistance to.

Flu pandemics are a natural event that occurs from time to time. Last century, there were flu pandemics in 1930, when millions of people died across the world.

In most cases the virus has proved relatively mild. However, around the world hundreds of people have died and it is not yet clear how big a risk the virus is. For this reason, and because all viruses can mutate to become more potent (stronger), scientists are saying we need to be careful.

Can novel H1N1 swine flu be prevented with a vaccine?

The best way to prevent novel H1N1 swine flu would be the same best way to prevent other influenza infections, and that is vaccination. The CDC (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US agency charged with tracking and investigating public health trends) has multiple recommendations for vaccination based on who should obtain the first doses when the vaccine becomes available (to protect the most susceptible populations) and according to age groups. The CDC based the recommendations on data obtained from vaccine trials and infection reports gathered over the last few months. The current (October 2009) vaccine recommendations from the CDC say the following groups (Swine Flu High Risk Groups) should get the vaccine as soon as it is available:
  • Pregnant women,
  • People who live with or provide care for children younger than 6 months of age,
  • Health-care and emergency medical services personnel,
  • People between 6 months and 24 years of age, and
  • People from the ages of 25 through 64 who are at higher risk because of chronic health disorders such as asthma, diabetes, or a weakened immune system.
Although five companies are making H1N1 swine flu shots, including Sanofi Pasteur, Novartis, GSK, Medimmune and CSL, doctors won't be able to directly order swine flu vaccine from them. Instead, the federal government is purchasing all of the swine flu shots and then is distributing them via a centralized distribution program. Pediatricians and other health care providers can order swine flu vaccine if they want to receive swine flu vaccine to give their patients.

As with ordinary flu, people who come down with swine flu should take lots of rest and use standard paracetamol-based cold remedies to reduce their temperature and help relieve symptoms.

Some of the over-the-counter treatments used by adults can be given to children for the relief of the symptoms of flu, in line with the instructions supplied with each medicine. However, children under 16 must not be given aspirin or ready-made flu remedies containing aspirin. It is important to always read the label or check with the pharmacist that a medicine is suitable for use in children.

How to prevent from swine flu?

Preventing the spread of germs is the most effective way to slow the spread of diseases such as swine flu. You should always:
  • Ensure everyone washes their hands regularly with soap and water,
  • Clean surfaces regularly to get rid of germs,
  • Use tissues to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, and
  • Put used tissues in a bin as soon as possible.
  • Cleaning hard surfaces, such as door handles, often and thoroughly using a normal cleaning product

That is the little explanation about Swine Flu. I hope this information be useful for everyone whose read it. Simple things to do are healthier life and don’t panic.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Treating high blood pressure with Bile of Earth : Hempedu Bumi

Bile of Earth or Hempedu Bumi plant is also known by local as akar cerita. Hempedu Bumi plant abundantly found in China , India, Thailand and Malay island. Could be easily found at the peat soil. Hempedu Bumi is a herbal plant that grows vertically.

This seasonal herbaceous plant can grow until 70-90 cm heights. The upper part of the leaf is dark green in color while the lower part is light green in color, smooth and arranged. The leaf also oval in shape. The stem is green and has many branches.

Hempedu Bumi leaf can used as the remedy to lower the high blood pressure pressure, besides to cure diabetes, antiinflammation, antibacterial, antivirus, relieve fever and as the phlegm liquefier. It is also used to improve defecation, destroy the worms in digestive system and fasten the blood clotting.

The method to made it as the medicine is by braising the leaf to drink the water. The leaf can cure wound by grinding it and paste it at the wound. Chemical substances in the leaf can brake down the fat molecules that present at the blocked bloodstream that cause the blood pressure to increase. The braised leaf water that has bitter taste trigger it to brake down the lipids molecules.

However, the taste does not attract most of Malaysians. They are more interested to sweet and salty tastes. The excess of sweet and salty can lead to severe diseases but if we balance the tastes is much better for health. This plant also suitable for insects bites. The easiest method is take a few of the leaves and crush them. After that, rub them at the bitten place.

Hempedu Bumi is more popular in treating high blood pressure and fever. The usual method is take a few leaves and clean them. Then, immerse the leaves in warm water and wait until it becomes lukewarm. After that, drink the water. It is quite bitter, especially for those who first time drink the water. Bear in mind, drink once per day.

Hempedu Bumi is shown to be superior to Milk Thistle (Silymarin) in its liver protective and bile promoting properties.The active constituents,the andrographolides act as strong antioxidants, protecting the liver and digestive system. Laboratory and clinical trials have demonstrated its effectiveness in cases of toxic liver damage,poor liver function and hepatitis.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Color of Life

Gerber Daisies

I'm walking through the mall with my friend "K", taking in all the bright colorful clothes and shiny jewelry. Looking for a new perfume we stop in the Macy's fragrance department and ask for samples. Alas, the clerk informs us that the perfume companies are cutting back and she has very few samples. So, we go around spraying scent after scent until they all blend together and we can't smell anything but a mix of perfume in the air. I determine there is one scent I like, called Daisy by Marc Jacobs. Ironically, my favorite flowers are Gerber Daisies and my dog is named Daisy. But, before I spend $80 on a bottle of perfume I want a sample. So now I am on a sample hunt determined to try before I buy.

While searching for perfume we walk the entire Mall and check out a few of our favorite stores. I haven't been to a mall in over a year and I am in shock that most sizes in clothing stores now start at "0". Since when is ZERO a size? A woman who wears a zero would have to be thin as a stick. I also checked out some costume jewelry, bath and body stuff and remembered what fun it is to just go shopping - even window shopping! I hadn't walked that far in some time due to my Flare that lasted from mid 2008 - early-mid 2009. During this wonderful shopping experience I realized a few things...I really need to loose my Flare Weight (weight I gained during the 9 months I could do little but sit on my butt) and enjoy the fun of shopping to find cute outfits and look good again. It sounds crazy, but this shopping trip lifted my spirits. I didn't get anything, but, just looking around, socializing and looking at all the pretty new stuff was much fun.

It makes me reflect and think of personal goals I have for myself. Little things, like being able to fit into a normal size (not plus), getting my nails done, buying perfume to make myself smell attractive, purchasing some new music, getting my colored contacts again, a blossoming career and being the old me. Yup, this flare threw me for such a loop that I lost me. I'm finding her again, the old me is coming back. It's amazing how great life is once you live it fully. This was a nice reminder of the beautiful color that is life.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Little knowledge about Viagra.

Everyday I received spammed mail at my mailbox. 50% of this spammed mail would like to promote their product Viagra. I have a little knowledge about this drug. I tried to search this product through Google Search. I shocked with the result of this keyword at Google Search. There are over 50million links talk about Viagra. Here is the search result:
Caused by this search result, I tried to learn more about Viagra. I tried to search at Google Search Engine to find more information about this drugs and here is the summary:

What is Viagra?

Viagra Professional is a new generation extra-strength prescription medicine that is taken orally for the treatment of erectile dysfunction only in men, powerfully activating the natural blood flow, followed by hardness and expansion of your sexually excited penis for peak sexual performance.

How to use?

Nowadays, erectile dysfunction can be safely and effectively treated. Oral Viagra Professional is one of the most refined and individualized forms of erectile dysfunction treatment. Carefully formulated and clinically tested, Viagra Professional will improve your sexual relationship with your partner in any case.

Taking Viagra Professional about 15 minutes to 20 minutes before your sexual intercourse will help you get a most powerful erection ever, the desire will appear overwhelming, and you will feel rejuvenated. You will not need so much stimulation like before; just a touch will bathe you into the ocean of sexual fantasies and youth desire.

Take a note that if you take Viagra Professional after a high-fat meal (such as fish & chips, cheeseburger or French fries), the medicine may take a little longer to start working. Then, just chat with your partner for five more minutes and the desired effects will not lose a point.

Viagra side effects

Like all medicines, Viagra brand Pfizer (active ingredient is sildenafil citrate) can cause some pharmaceutical drug side effects. These are usually mild and do not last long. Some of these are more likely to occur with higher Rx pill doses. The most common are headache, flushing of the face, and upset stomach. Less common that may occur, are temporary changes in color vision (such as trouble telling the difference between blue and green objects or having a blue color tinge to them), eyes being more sensitive to light, or blurred vision. If you experience any of the following serious side effects, stop taking Viagra Professional and seek emergency medical attention or notify your doctor immediately:
  • An allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of the throat; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; or hives);
  • Chest pain or an irregular heartbeat;
  • Swelling of the ankles or legs;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Prolonged or severe dizziness;
  • A prolonged (lasting longer than 4 hours) or painful erection; or
  • Dizziness, nausea, or angina (pain, tightness, discomfort, numbness, or tingling in the chest, arms, neck, or jaw).
Other, less serious side effects may be more likely to occur. Continue to take Viagra Professional and talk to your doctor if you experience
  • Flushing;
  • Mild dizziness;
  • Headache;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Temporary blue tint in vision or other vision abnormalities; or
  • Itching or a rash.
In extremely rare instances, men may have an erection that lasts many hours. You should call a medical doctor immediately if you ever have an erection that lasts more than four hours.

Sildenafil citrate impotence medication consumer product may cause other drug side effects besides those listed on this website. Most Sildenafil citrate drug side effects occure at higher dosage. It's best to start at the lowest dosage. The Viagra pill dosage amounts are 25 mg, 50 mg and 100mg.

Some doctors also say that the interactions and mixing of Viagra prescription pills with mind-altering drugs, such as Ecstasy or crystal methamphetamine, is a potentially deadly combination.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sepakbola bukan hanya cabang olahraga untuk kesehatan

Kalau berbicara mengenai dunia bola memang tidak akan pernah ada habisnya. Sepakbola masa kini telah berubah. Sepakbola tidak hanya sebuah permainan bola tangkas dan bukan lagi sebuah cabang olahraga yang sekedar untuk menyehatkan badan.

Pada awal mulanya sepakbola diperkenalkan sebagai cabang olahraga. Dari asal kata olah raga. Olah artinya mempergunakan atau memanfaatkan, dan raga yang artinya badan atau fisik. Nah menurut hal tersebut tentunya kita bisa ambil kesimpulan bahwa olah raga artinya memberdayakan badan untuk suatu usaha. Usaha disini pada awalnya adalah usaha untuk membuat badan tetap sehat, fit, segar dan bugar. Tetapi lama kelamaan olah raga (dalam hal ini sepakbola) telah berubah. Olahraga berarti memanfaatkan raga untuk mendapatkan sesuatu materi (belum tentu uang lho?).

Bahkan ada orang yang memanfaatkan sepakbola sebagai lading untuk mencari keuntungan tanpa terlibat langsung dalam kancah sepakbola. Siapakah mereka? Yah .. mereka adalah penggemar sepakbola sekaligus penggemar betting bola. Seperti di AGENBOLA misalnya. Ada beribu-ribu anggota didalamnya. Mereka mendapatkan kemudahan-kemudahan untuk mengikuti betting bola. Agenbola bahkan melayani pembukaan account bola di SBOBET dan IBCBET yang mana sbobet dan ibcbet adalah website betting bola terbesar di ASIA saat ini.

Lalu seperti apakah sepakbola menurut Anda?
Silahkan memberikan komentar apakah sepakbola masih bisa dikatakan sebagai cabang olahraga yang membuat badan menjadi sehat atau sebaliknya!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Discover How To Solve Acne Problems Naturally and Effectively

Do you suffer from Acne? A lot of people do and get frustrated. Frustration leads us to a frantic search for treatment that will hopefully stop acne. However there are remedies that help cure acne completely without any need for treatment or medical advice. What do I need to do then? Here are some tips how to kill acne.

Clean Your Skin
Acne starts when bacteria get’s into the pore. The inside of a pore is warm, and if there is dirt, it provides the best living condition for bacteria to feed and multiply. To avoid bacteria increasing in our pores we need to clean our faces at least once a day. Do not wash face more than two times because it will dry your skin and lead to further problems.

Never Touch Infected Area
If you have pimples on your face, never try to squeeze or touch them. That will lead the infection to be transferred on you hands and eventually spread to other areas. Instead of squeezing the pimples try to clear the pore by applying a small amount of Benzoyl Peroxide and then rub some antibiotic treatment.

Try To Check Product Labels
When using treatment make sure you check product labels. Be sure that products are non-comedigenic meaning that they will not clog your pores. It is when the pores blogged when the trouble starts. It is very important at this stage to avoid bacteria growth which leads to breakouts.

Wash Hands Frequently
Make sure to wash your hands often. If you do not wash your hands regularly you are risking spreading bacteria. Activities such as using the bathroom or handling animals could easily spread infections after touching your face with filthy hands. It is most important to wash hands even after handling greasy foods. The excessive amount of oil deposits in the pores increase the possibilities to an outbreak.

Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking plenty of water is good for the skin by not letting it dry out. Drinking water helps the body system to flush out and get rid of waste. Your face will produce oil if skin gets dry. If the oil is produced in excessive amounts this will lead to clogged pores. It is a fact that most of the acne treatments that we try will not stop it completely.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Charity Gifts Aid Health

Charity Gifts Aid Healthcare

As Christmas rapidly approaches we thought we would offer suggestions how to help improve your health whilst helping others.

Giving Benefits Health

Studies in Europe have suggested that generous, thoughtful giving offers benefits to health - the act of giving creates a sense of well being which in turn reduce stress and anxiety thereby helping to lower blood pressure.

For maximum effect why not consider giving a charity gift that will help others?

For many years people have felt good about sending charity Christmas cards but Charity gifts are increasingly popular and various charities now offer imaginative gift ideas that will help those in most need.

Charity Gifts

Healthcare charities and aid agencies all sell christmas cards but now online shopping is being embraced by forward thinking organisations. Oxfam, for example, give visitors the opportunity to provide water and shelter for communities that are suffering the effects of natural disasters around the world and even buy a goat.

The principle goal of these charity gifts is to raise money that can be used to help relieve suffering - be that locally with medical conditions and illnessess, or further afield where communities are feeling the effects of climate change - floods, drought and famine.

See for yourself if you feel better after making a charitable gift - it doesn't have to be Christmas but we think it is an ideal time to try new ways of giving.

Next in the run up to Christmas we will once again remind visitors of the perils of the white stuff - salt

Monday, October 19, 2009

How These Five People Fight MS

Here is an excellent new website with some superb bloggers talking about how they live victoriously with MS.

Check it out -

Green Tea The Alternative Remedies

Green tea the alternative remedies is not new to people living in the eastern countries. Green tea is one of the popular drinks in eastern culture especially for people in rural area in beside traditional tea. Green tea is a type of tea made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis that has undergone minimal oxidation during processing.

Green tea is palest in color, generally light green or yellow and after the tea leaves are picked, the green tea leaves, they undergo lightly process to prevent some natural changes from taking place such as auto –oxidation catalyzed by enzymes present in the freshly plucked leaves. If allow this oxidation would convert the tea progress to Oolong and then the black tea. Light steaming will prevents this oxidation thus preserved the natural antioxidants in the leaves, this result is green tea.

Green tea originates from China and has become associated with many cultures in Asia from Japan to the Middle East. Green tea has become more widespread in the West, where black tea is traditionally consumed. Many varieties of green tea have been created in countries where it is grown. These varieties can differ substantially due to variable growing conditions, processing and harvesting time.
Green tea become popular in the West after scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. For example, in 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent.

University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells. There is also research indicating that drinking green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Green tea can be used as the alternative remedies for infection, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol levels, cardiovascular disease and impaired immune function. The ability of green tea act as alternative remedies is in the fact that it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate. Epigallocatechin gallate is a powerful anti-oxidant besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots.

The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke. Drink Green tea also is good for healthy teeth and gums because the ability green tea to help reduce symptoms of periodontal disease may be due to the presence of the antioxidant catechin.

Previous research has demonstrated antioxidants' ability to reduce inflammation in the body, and the indicators of periodontal disease measured in this study, PD, CAL and BOP, suggest the existence of an inflammatory response to periodontal bacteria in the mouth. By interfering with the body's inflammatory response to periodontal bacteria, green tea may actually help promote periodontal health, and ward off further disease.

Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth, and has been associated with the progression of other diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Periodontists believe that maintaining healthy gums is absolutely critical to maintaining a healthy body," says Dr. David Cochran, DDS, PhD, President of the AAP and Chair of the Department of Periodontics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. "That is why it is so important to find simple ways to boost periodontal health, such as regularly drinking green tea – something already known to possess certain health-related benefits."

Thus try green tea today and feel the different .

Sunday, October 11, 2009

In less than 10 minutes for healthier alive

Until this time peoples think to become good health we must take exercise at fitness centre or consuming expensive organic food. This way really true but there many other ways also can salubrious body with no wasting time.

In less than 10 minutes habits will great affect for our body. Follow some short and simple ways to make body is healthier, like to quoted from Health24, Friday (9/10/2009), that is:

  1. Drink regularly. Everybody know that everyday we must drink 8 glasses of water. But better if imbibe it little but often, because if we direct drink in big portions can cause the loss of important nutrition from body.
  2. Tomato consumption. Tomatoes contain lycopene that is anti-oxide that is important to oppose cancer. Otherwise, if we don’t like eating raw, we can use sauce or tomatoes pasta.
  3. Breakfast. Breakfast is importance for energy source as activity supporting up to lunch later. If there is no more time, we can breakfast with fruit, milk or yogurt.
  4. Wash our hand with soap, is important to avoid virus or bacteria that can causes disease.
  5. Toothbrush, brushing tooth routinely 2 times a day can prevent tooth damage and mouth disease.
  6. Always use safety belt, with do that will protect you especially head and neck if there are something happen that not desirable.
  7. Use ladder. Use the ladder to aim your work room. If you put hand to floor 22nd, use the ladder up to floor 3rd or 4th before use elevator.
  8. Breathe in, do this regularly so can decrease level stress and avoid various disease.

The several things may be have heard often, but have you applied in life everyday?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Vegetarian Diets Health Effects / Vegetarian : Vegan : Health : Mortality

There are several reason for many people being vegetarian. For their religious view, health concern, or sometimes their care for animals. Being Vegetarian means not including meat, poultry or fish on their menu. Other vegetarian exclude dairy products and eggs. Vegetarian and vegan diets can vary widely, but the empirical evidence largely relates to the nutritional content and health effects of the average diet of well-educated vegetarians living in Western countries, together with some information on vegetarians in non-Western countries. These are some reviews from journals about the health effects of vegan diets.

In general, vegetarian diets provide relatively large amounts of cereals, pulses, nuts, fruits and vegetables. In terms of nutrients, vegetarian diets are usually rich in n-6 fatty acids, dietary fibre, carotenoids, carbohydrates, , folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E and Mg, and relatively low in protein, saturated fat, long-chain n-3 fatty acids, retinol, vitamin B(12) and Zn; vegans may have particularly low intakes of vitamin B(12) and low intakes of Ca. Cross-sectional studies of vegetarians and vegans have shown that on average they have a relatively low BMI and a low plasma cholesterol concentration; recent studies have also shown higher plasma homocysteine concentrations than in non-vegetarians.

Very high homocysteine levels in the blood can damage the lining of the arteries. In addition, high homocysteine levels may make blood clot more easily than it should. This can increase the risk of blood vessel blockages. A clot inside your blood vessel is called a thrombus which can travel in the bloodsteam and get stuck in your lungs (called a pulmonary embolism), in your brain (which can cause a stroke) or in your heart (which can cause a heart attack.)

In several studies, Vegetarians have shown a moderate reduction in mortality from Ischemic Heart Disease but little difference in other major causes of death or all-cause mortality in comparison with health-conscious non-vegetarians from the same population.

Vegetarian diets, particularly vegan diets, are associated with lower BMD, (bone mineral density) which is one of osteoporosis cause., but the magnitude of the association is clinically insignificant.

Resources :

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October is my favorite Month...

Hello! Long time no "see". Life is finally calming down a bit for me now so I am going to blog on the latest and greatest.


We've been officially moved in with my in-laws for 1 full week now and so far so good. We'll see if I feel the same way after 1 month of living here. Last minute issues like my in-laws telling us "No you can't store your furniture and stuff here" lead to more money spent on a storage unit and such but hey, at least we have a roof over our heads and the apartment complex who was going to sue us for last months rent has agreed for us to just pay in payments.


My job is going fantastically! In 3 months they've realized I was a Tier above the work I was doing and promoted me (still while I was a contractor) AND They've offered me a Full Time position as an actual EMPLOYEE with benefits!!! Woo Hoo! This will take about 1 month till all the references are checked, background check etc...but I am hopeful by November I will be an employee and eligible for health benefits!!

Hubs still has not found a job, but, he is going to apply this week for some Retail Christmas jobs etc to get something...anything. And still making contacts in the IT world so he can hopefully find something!


Angel of Friendship Willow Figurine (I love this one because it has a dog like mine)

I celebrated my 38th birthday yesterday, 1 day after my Mother-in-Law celebrated her 65th. My sister in law and nephew came up from Florida so we could make a BIG deal out of MIL's birthday and because they (the golden child and her offspring) were here nothing really occurred for MY birthday. We went out to lunch and did a little window shopping and then last night my legs killed me...Gabapentin take me away....and it did....eventually. The friend celebration will be in a few weeks so that's good! :-)

Willow Tree Friendship Figurine that I got from my Sister In Law Sarah

I started collecting Willow Tree Collectibles and got my first 2 for my birthday. I commented how I liked these a few weeks ago and Hubs was paying attention! I've never collected anything before, so I thought I would start with these! :) You can buy them at any collectible store and cracker barrel! Or HERE (this link is for the benefit of my husband, assuming he'll read this!)

Next month is our first wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been a year since we went to Jamaica. Now that we are living here, I hope to save save save after hubs is working and get back there again someday. I'll have to plan something special to celebrate!

I am enjoying my favorite time of year (Fall), looking forward to my favorite holiday season (Christmas) and just excited to be living life again with fewer problems and MS interruptions. I am going to color my hair a chestnut color today for fall (fingers crossed I'm doing it myself) and really love the fact I have to wear long sleeves most days now.


Since this is an MS Blog I do not think I am jinxing myself by saying....WOW MY MS SYMPTOMS HAVE SUBSIDED THE PAST 6 WEEKS!!! I think my body is now in the rhythm of working 8-10 hours a day, coming home and relaxing and I switched my work hours to 9-6 which my internal clock loves...I get to sleep in till 7:30 some days! Getting on a regular schedule has resolved all my sleeping problems, working has been great for my emotional state and I am starting to feel like a "normal" person again. I loyally do my shots nightly as I really think they have a HUGE impact on how well I feel lately.

Don't get me wrong, I do have weak or painful leg days, however, they are few and far between. I realize what shoes I can and can't wear and I am disappointed that I must get rid of even my shoes with wide legs can't take them. One day at a time, the old me is coming to loose all this "MS" weight. MS weight is weight I gained during the last flare up when I sat around for over a year and did nothing...

Stress is still a constant, but, we are taking steps to making our lives better and less stressful and that is a good thing! I am in 3 Fantasy Football leagues this year and I pretty much suck in all 3, I laugh though as I am realizing there are more important things in life and I'm HAPPY now and thankful for all my blessings. Now I have to go kiss my husband and hug my dogs!

Enjoy the beautiful Fall weather friends! My favorite month is upon us and It just gets better as each week goes by!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Healthy Food Hampers | Gifts - Create A Hamper

Foods for healthy blood pressure

Much is debated about reducing salt in our diets to help lower blood pressure - along with many other no no's when it comes to what we eat and drink for our health's sake but we think it appropriate to highlight what we should eat more of in order to feel great and stay in good health.

Often overlooked are the benefits of certain types of super foods - especially fruits and vegetables that when eaten in combination.

Essential minerals - amny only found in specific types of fruit - contribute to a healthy heart and maintain a good level of blood pressure - see getting the most benefit out of fruit and veg.

How much?

Loads - it's common to hear five a day but fruit and vegetables could make up at least a third of your entire food intake.

Give a healthy hamper of food

As an example we have put together a "gift hamper" selection which might provoke you to create your own hampers with top quality healthy food that you know the recipient enjoys.

Suggestion for healthy hampers

Most gift hampers are usually full of luxury food and drinks - rarely the best health option - although the benefits of red wine and chocolate are sometimes reported in the health news.

Here's our ideas of things to include in your hampers which needn't cost a lot but if packaged properly will be a great gift.

  • banana - high in potassium - a great bp lowering food
  • apples
  • pears or at least one
  • oranges are not the only fruit
  • avocado - notorious super food
  • plums - get you r gums stuck into plums
  • grapefruit

if its a seasonal gift, christmas hampers can include all the festive fruits you cna fing - figs, satsumas and of course whole nuts beans and pulses - remember however much you eat, beans and pulses count as one portion each day

Fresh fruit is important but the concentration of dried fruit can also help the mineral intake so add these to your gift hampers too.

dried fruit (such as raisins and apricots)

healthy drinks

a glass (150ml) of fruit juice (however much you drink, fruit juice counts as a maximum of one portion a day)

No so easy for these food hampers is frozen or cooked food but don't be shy - they too caount as one of the five a day - frozen peas are more likely to be nutritionally better than raw peas as they are frozen to seal the healthy bits in quickly

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Best Online Casino Information (Little thinks OOT)

You are an US gamblers? You like to play some games in Casino? There is the best website provides free online casinos guide assisting US Players find fun, safe, fair, reliable and trustworthy gambling website. It is an online casino gambling guide, began in 2008, to review and rate the top internet casino and poker web sites online that cater to United States gamblers.. Visitor will guided and get more information about current reliable casinos online and will be linked into top ten casinos online, top USA poker rooms and top USA sports books. Top USA poker rooms will guide visitors to get information about list of solid poker rooms for US bettors. Top USA sports books contents favorite sport books that offer great parlay and future odds. Visitors also getting review of those casino sites.

On, casino sites ranked according to bonus, payout%, customer support, number of game, deposit options and easy of use. Visitors will get all about casinos online accepting USA Players. The list updated regularly according to the indicators above. This site has been successful to list and rate the top USA online casinos such as Rushmore, Cherry Red, Golden Casino, Slots Oasis, Rome Casino, Super Slots, English Harbour and others. If visitors want to play the online casinos at the right place, they can choose one of the top rated online casinos that have been listed at the site.

As a sample Rushmore Casino. Rushmore Casino has been around for 5 years and since its inception has built a reputation on customer service, large bonuses and quick withdrawals. Rushmore Casino is a top notch casino powered by Real Time Gaming.

Others sample is Golden Casino. Golden Casino offers new gamblers a welcome bonus of $555 on your intial deposit. Golden Casino is currenty the biggest internet casino accepting USA players. Golden Casino has over 105+ internet casino games for players to pick rom. Golden Casino has the best odds with an awesome payout percentage of 98.7%. Highest on the Internet!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Kacip Fatimah or Labisa Pumila Improve Women Health

Kacip Fatimah is traditionally used to maintain a healthy female reproductive system, to help tighten and lubricate, and to enhance sexual function.
Kacip Fatimah is rich in phytoestrogen and isoflavones, that may ease menopausal symptoms. Oak Gall is rich in antioxidants and is traditionally used as postpartum care to tighten the reproductive system.

Kacip Fatimah has been traditionally used by the Malay women for many generations in childbirth in inducing and eases delivery, as a post partum medication to help contract the birth channel, to regain body strength, regulate menstrual cycle and avoid painful or difficult menstration, and to alleviate menopausal symptoms. The plant is traditionally boiled and the water extraction is taken as a drink.

Other traditional uses include treating dysentery, rheumatism, and gennoehoea. It is also used as antiflatulence by helping to drive away and prevent the formation of gas. The plant will also help to firm and tone the abdominal muscles. Scientific studies have established that the medicinal properties and biological activities of Kacip Fatimah are due to the presence of phyto-estrogen (plant estrogen) that is naturally found in the plant.

While being used by the indigenous people of Malay the Kacip Fatimah plant were usually boiled and the water soluble extract was taken as drink. Interest had recently been shown in the herbal preparation to determine its mode of action and potential pharmacological application. In the mean time commercial preparations as can drinks have been marketed without knowledge of the mode of action potential toxicity and side effects. Because it is given to women post-partum, the possibility of it being a phyoestrogen was considered highly likely.

Recent studies in the Institute for Medical Research, the water extracts of Kacip Fatimah were able to displace estradiol binding to antibodies raised against estradiol, making it similar to other estrogens such as estrone and estriol. Binding to estrogen receptors are being investigated.

Other claimed traditional uses of the Kacip Fatimah plant include using it to effectively treat dysentery, rheumatism and gonorrhea. It is also used as anti-flatulence by helping drive away and preventing the formation of gas. By cleansing and avoiding painful or difficult menstruation it is used as an anti-dysmenorrheal. This plant will also help to firm and tone the abdominal muscles. All these properties and biological activity is due to the presence of phytoestrogens that is naturally found in the plant.

Nursing Diagnoses / Diagnosis

A nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgment about individual, family, or community responses to actual and/or potential health problems or life processes. A medical diagnosis, on the other hand, is the identification of a disease based on its signs and symptoms.

The professional practice of nursing is the diagnosing and treatment of these basic human responses. Nurses need a common language to describe the human responses of individuals, families, and communities to health threats. NANDA strives to classify in a scientific manner these basic human responses.

Nursing diagnoses are classified under the concepts of ingestion, digestion, absorption, metabolism, urinary/gastrointestinal elimination, sleep/rest, activity/exercises, energy balance, sexuality, post trauma responses, comfort, and growth and development.

dentification of human responses to health problems and life processes is the basis for the nurses' decisions on how to best intervene to help people heal or improve their quality of life. With nursing diagnoses, emphasis is placed upon achievement of the client's maximum health potential. The nurse gathers the assessment data and from this data, identifies high-priority nursing diagnoses. The nursing diagnoses then provide the basis for selection of nursing interventions to achieve outcomes for which the nurse is accountable.

The PATIENT (not the nurse) is central to the nursing process. The nursing process involves looking at the whole patient at all times. It personalizes the patient. Nursing care needs to be directed at all times for improving outcomes for the PATIENT.

In order to tailor the nursing process to the patient, you need to identify the patient's problems related to the objective and subjective assessment data. Then you need to formulate a nursing diagnosis for each of these problems. You will also prioritize the problems in formulating your plan and goals (according to the ABC's and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs).

Nursing diagnoses are written in "PES" format:

* "P" stands for PROBLEM
* "E "stands for ETIOLOGY or cause of problem
* "S "stands SIGNS and SYMPTOMS of problem

However, if you identify a high-priority "RISK FOR" nursing diagnosis, then you do not put the signs and symptoms (in other words, no "AEB"). How can you have evidence (signs and symptoms) for something that is only a risk?

Nursing goals are simply the antithesis of the nursing diagnostic statement with a reasonable time frame. In other words, diagnostic statements are "problems" (negative). Goals are "positive" (turn the nursing diagnostic statement around). If the nursing diagnosis is "Risk for Infection r/t..." for instance, then the goal statement might be "Client will not experience infection throughout hospital stay AEB clear lung sounds, afebrile, WBC count between 5,000 and 11,000, wound site well approximated with no purulent drainage." Goal statements always begin with "The patient/ client will..." and have a specified time element.

Nursing interventions are the "meat and gravy" of the nursing process and flow from the "etiology" part of the nursing diagnostic statement. Nursing interventions are either independent (such as teaching/learning or safety) or collaborative/ dependent (require a physician's order, such as administration of medications). The nurse must use his or her critical thinking skills to plan, coordinate, and implement nursing interventions, and then EVALUATE the effect of these interventions in achieving the desired patient goal. Nursing interventions always begin with "Student nurse will..." or "Nurse will..." and are very specific, as well as being realistic to the client situation (not just "cookie-cutter" interventions copied from a nursing careplan book).

Helpful examples of nursing interventions (in this case, related to visual disturbances) may be found at this website:

Nursing interventions must be backed up with a scientific rationale - Otherwise, this action is just your opinion and has no merit. Remember, everything in nursing must be EVIDENCED-BASED. Provide a citation for your scientific rationale, in APA format, from a peer-reviewed source: professional journal, textbook, lecture.

When evaluating your goals, need to state specifically: GOAL MET, GOAL NOT MET, GOAL PARTIALLY MET, or UNABLE TO EVALUATE GOAL due to time constraints. If the latter is the case (Unable to evaluate goal due to time constraints), then you need to state what outcome criteria would be needed in order to state GOAL MET. In other words, if I were present (at specified time element), I would look for the following outcome criteria in order to state, "GOAL MET." Then you list the desired outcome criteria. Remember, you are evaluating the goals, not the interventions.

So you see, it is an orderly, evidenced-based process and not that difficult with practice. Nurses cannot know what interventions to select or which outcomes to project unless they have accurate representations of what patients are experiencing (using a common reference language, NANDA).


Care Plan Constructor

2009-2011 Nursing Diagnoses with Functional Domains (starting on p.2)

Manual of Nursing Diagnosis

Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis

Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual

NANDA Nursing Diagnosis Home Page

Original Post from VickyRN of
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