New Tattoo

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October is my favorite Month...

Hello! Long time no "see". Life is finally calming down a bit for me now so I am going to blog on the latest and greatest.


We've been officially moved in with my in-laws for 1 full week now and so far so good. We'll see if I feel the same way after 1 month of living here. Last minute issues like my in-laws telling us "No you can't store your furniture and stuff here" lead to more money spent on a storage unit and such but hey, at least we have a roof over our heads and the apartment complex who was going to sue us for last months rent has agreed for us to just pay in payments.


My job is going fantastically! In 3 months they've realized I was a Tier above the work I was doing and promoted me (still while I was a contractor) AND They've offered me a Full Time position as an actual EMPLOYEE with benefits!!! Woo Hoo! This will take about 1 month till all the references are checked, background check etc...but I am hopeful by November I will be an employee and eligible for health benefits!!

Hubs still has not found a job, but, he is going to apply this week for some Retail Christmas jobs etc to get something...anything. And still making contacts in the IT world so he can hopefully find something!


Angel of Friendship Willow Figurine (I love this one because it has a dog like mine)

I celebrated my 38th birthday yesterday, 1 day after my Mother-in-Law celebrated her 65th. My sister in law and nephew came up from Florida so we could make a BIG deal out of MIL's birthday and because they (the golden child and her offspring) were here nothing really occurred for MY birthday. We went out to lunch and did a little window shopping and then last night my legs killed me...Gabapentin take me away....and it did....eventually. The friend celebration will be in a few weeks so that's good! :-)

Willow Tree Friendship Figurine that I got from my Sister In Law Sarah

I started collecting Willow Tree Collectibles and got my first 2 for my birthday. I commented how I liked these a few weeks ago and Hubs was paying attention! I've never collected anything before, so I thought I would start with these! :) You can buy them at any collectible store and cracker barrel! Or HERE (this link is for the benefit of my husband, assuming he'll read this!)

Next month is our first wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been a year since we went to Jamaica. Now that we are living here, I hope to save save save after hubs is working and get back there again someday. I'll have to plan something special to celebrate!

I am enjoying my favorite time of year (Fall), looking forward to my favorite holiday season (Christmas) and just excited to be living life again with fewer problems and MS interruptions. I am going to color my hair a chestnut color today for fall (fingers crossed I'm doing it myself) and really love the fact I have to wear long sleeves most days now.


Since this is an MS Blog I do not think I am jinxing myself by saying....WOW MY MS SYMPTOMS HAVE SUBSIDED THE PAST 6 WEEKS!!! I think my body is now in the rhythm of working 8-10 hours a day, coming home and relaxing and I switched my work hours to 9-6 which my internal clock loves...I get to sleep in till 7:30 some days! Getting on a regular schedule has resolved all my sleeping problems, working has been great for my emotional state and I am starting to feel like a "normal" person again. I loyally do my shots nightly as I really think they have a HUGE impact on how well I feel lately.

Don't get me wrong, I do have weak or painful leg days, however, they are few and far between. I realize what shoes I can and can't wear and I am disappointed that I must get rid of even my shoes with wide legs can't take them. One day at a time, the old me is coming to loose all this "MS" weight. MS weight is weight I gained during the last flare up when I sat around for over a year and did nothing...

Stress is still a constant, but, we are taking steps to making our lives better and less stressful and that is a good thing! I am in 3 Fantasy Football leagues this year and I pretty much suck in all 3, I laugh though as I am realizing there are more important things in life and I'm HAPPY now and thankful for all my blessings. Now I have to go kiss my husband and hug my dogs!

Enjoy the beautiful Fall weather friends! My favorite month is upon us and It just gets better as each week goes by!


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