New Tattoo

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Here's What's New With Me

Hi Everyone! It's been a little while since I posted anything of substance here. Lots going on these days. Here's an update.


I've been at my FT Helpdesk job 1 month now and It is going pretty well. Some Days the Fatigue is a bit much, but most of the time it is Okay. My legs are MUCH more stiff lately, spasms have gotten pretty bad as well, but, it's great to be back in the work force and having a daily schedule. So while Yes, it is affecting my health, it's doing so in 2 ways. Positively for my Emotional Health and Negatively for my physical health. Not so Negatively though that would cause me not to work. I never realized how much having a purpose can affects someones mental state.

I say this because my husband has been depressed to extremes this past week and his not having a daily job to go to has negatively affected his mental state. On the bright side, he does have 3 companies interested in interviewing him this week. So fingers crossed he'll have multiple job opportunities coming up soon. After these opportunities came his way his mood improved drastically.


Amazingly in these hard times, I have been blessed in so many ways. One of them having total strangers offer me their Copaxone shots that they will no longer be using. Thank you to Amy Gurowitz at Multiple Sclerosis a Life of Learning. I also have another person who is going to be sending me their excess shots since they recently switched meds. The kindness of people is amazing to me and in today's world it means that much more.

I was also blessed to sell my painting and for my husband to have some 401K cash so we can stay in our apartment a month longer and not have to move in with the inlaws. That I do consider a blessing.


The timing of things in life does make me laugh sometimes. Today for the first time in about 2 months we went to church and the deacon's homily was about Faith in God and returning to the church. Makes me smile because every time I need to hear something from God, when I go to church he usually sends me a direct message. Not all the time, but, when I really need to hear it. I feel like things may be turning around for me now and hopefully will continue to do so. While we may be stuck in TN for now, it could be worse.

I have to give the apartment complex 60 days notice if we are going to move out at the end of October. Alas, that is hard to do especially when right now it would be hard to find another apartment without hubby working. On the crappy salary I make, no one is going to rent to me. So, I have to figure this all out THIS week before the end of the month. Fingers crossed Hubs will get a job offer this week.

So that's a little of what is going on with me. Football season is here and that makes me happy! The Holidays are right around the corner and my favorite time of year is about to start in 2 months! Life could be worse.


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