New Tattoo

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Hello All: I am going to meet with a few disability lawyers this week. What questions do I ask? What information do I need to make sure is covered. My life working FT right now and dealing with my MS symptoms kicking my ass is preventing me from doing alot of research, so if you have advice, please leave it in the comments.

Matt's mom is going in for a Cardiac Cath tomorrow morning, he is still unemployed and all but one of his leads has fallen through and the 1 that he has is taking their good ole time making a decision. I had to leave work early 2 days last week because I was so fatigued and in so much pain I couldn't take it anymore. We are moving in with his parents at the end of September and I am praying it will not negatively affect our marriage. The good side is we will have a roof over out heads, the bad side it will cause me to drive 88miles a day to and from work during rush hour ... yeah that will help my MS symptoms flare. Lovely.

I can't quit yet, but, may be forced to try to negotiate a PT schedule, though I don't believe I will get one...they need a FT person. So fingers crossed I won't throw myself into a huge flare up because as of Tuesday I have no health insurance. No money for Cobra...sold everything I could...such is life.

That's about it for tonight...I have to get to bed..

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Here's What's New With Me

Hi Everyone! It's been a little while since I posted anything of substance here. Lots going on these days. Here's an update.


I've been at my FT Helpdesk job 1 month now and It is going pretty well. Some Days the Fatigue is a bit much, but most of the time it is Okay. My legs are MUCH more stiff lately, spasms have gotten pretty bad as well, but, it's great to be back in the work force and having a daily schedule. So while Yes, it is affecting my health, it's doing so in 2 ways. Positively for my Emotional Health and Negatively for my physical health. Not so Negatively though that would cause me not to work. I never realized how much having a purpose can affects someones mental state.

I say this because my husband has been depressed to extremes this past week and his not having a daily job to go to has negatively affected his mental state. On the bright side, he does have 3 companies interested in interviewing him this week. So fingers crossed he'll have multiple job opportunities coming up soon. After these opportunities came his way his mood improved drastically.


Amazingly in these hard times, I have been blessed in so many ways. One of them having total strangers offer me their Copaxone shots that they will no longer be using. Thank you to Amy Gurowitz at Multiple Sclerosis a Life of Learning. I also have another person who is going to be sending me their excess shots since they recently switched meds. The kindness of people is amazing to me and in today's world it means that much more.

I was also blessed to sell my painting and for my husband to have some 401K cash so we can stay in our apartment a month longer and not have to move in with the inlaws. That I do consider a blessing.


The timing of things in life does make me laugh sometimes. Today for the first time in about 2 months we went to church and the deacon's homily was about Faith in God and returning to the church. Makes me smile because every time I need to hear something from God, when I go to church he usually sends me a direct message. Not all the time, but, when I really need to hear it. I feel like things may be turning around for me now and hopefully will continue to do so. While we may be stuck in TN for now, it could be worse.

I have to give the apartment complex 60 days notice if we are going to move out at the end of October. Alas, that is hard to do especially when right now it would be hard to find another apartment without hubby working. On the crappy salary I make, no one is going to rent to me. So, I have to figure this all out THIS week before the end of the month. Fingers crossed Hubs will get a job offer this week.

So that's a little of what is going on with me. Football season is here and that makes me happy! The Holidays are right around the corner and my favorite time of year is about to start in 2 months! Life could be worse.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kiwi Fruit Lowers Blood Pressure?

Can eating Kiwi Fruit lower blood pressure?

The quick answer to the question above is "nobody knows for sure"! However, a study starting in Norway aims to find out.

The researchers will give 120 volunteers either three kiwi fruit to eat each day, or an apple a day for eight weeks. During this time, both the volunteers' systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) blood pressure readings will be taken and compared.

The study seeks to find out if kiwi fruits are more effective than apples in helping to lower blood pressure.

The doctors are keen to carry out this research because of the results of an earlier study. In the Oslo Antioxidant Study, they found that people who ate three kiwi fruits a day had a significant reduction in their blood pressure levels.

However, they do not know how kiwi fruit had this effect, so they would like to compare its actions to those of apple to see if the blood pressure lowering is general effect of all types of fruit or a specific effect caused by a molecule found in kiwi fruit.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Conquering The Storms

I'm sad. I had to sell my one and only piece of valuable artwork today. I purchased this painting in 2001 about 1 year after my divorce was final. Painted by Thomas Kinkade, it is Titled "Conquering The Storms"...fitting for the storms I had just finished in a tumultuous marriage with an abusive husband. And the new storms I was facing alone as a single woman.

It is the highlight of my Dining Room Wall...and soon it will be gone. I often look at it and think of the Storms I've Conquered in my life and how many there have been. Alas, to make it through the latest storm, I must sell my beautiful painting and Conquer this Storm too.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Behind Every Cloud Is a Silver Lining

2 weeks into my new FT job now and my body is already reacting badly to the stress of working FT at a semi-stressful job. Not super stressful, but definitely a few days where I felt an elephant sitting on my chest from stress. My MS Symptoms have chimed right in to let me know hey...we are still here...don't forget about us too!

Pounding Headaches, Twitches, Spasms Galore. Though I do sleep better at night now that I get up at 6:30am daily. This week I kicked a co-worker inadvertently when I had a spasm, luckily it was under a conference room table so she couldn't see it and I just said "oops, sorry" and then proceeded to move around like I meant to move there. Nothing like kicking someone when you don't plan on it!

Work itself is going fine and they are praising me like crazy - I'm used to it - I am good at my job and the people are all in some way colorful. I like that it is 5 miles down the road (for now) and I can come home and see the dogs at lunch. Or like on lunch at work (they bought us pizza) and come home at lunch to nap for 25 minutes.

I am a contractor right now which means I do not have benefits and since my hubby lost his job 3 weeks ago we can no longer afford my Cobra insurance so I can't buy my copaxone shots any longer until one of us gets a job with benefits. This does worry me as I noticed a big difference in my overall health once those shots kicked in after taking them for a few months again. I am going to call Shared Solutions to see if they offer any FREE shots and how to get them.

Unless a miracle happens and hubby is working by 8/17 we will have to move in with his parents who live 35 miles North of us and 40 miles from my employer. I will have to commute 80 miles a day for VERY little pay if I stay in this job. This does not please me. My body is already not thrilled I am working FT, I can't imagine what adding such a commute on would know we have to be careful not to push ourselves into an MS Flare Up. It's all about Balance.

So that's most of the latest. Hubby is REALLY not handling being unemployed very well. He is depressed and crabby. He gets hopeless and upset...all of these things I am feeling as well so I understand. They say behind every cloud is a silver lining...I'm waiting to see it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

When Health Drinks are not Always Healthy

More than ever, the trend of healthy living is so popular right now. These are advertised in the basic products that people consume such as foods, drinks, and even in toiletries. But, among these, the piece that takes the cake is the healthy drinks, which can be bought almost everywhere.

But, with all the competitions and emergence of so many companies that produce the so-called "healthy drinks," not all drinks that are labeled as such are good for you. If you are one of those who are into healthy drinks, now is the time to be smart about these.

By now, you should know that not all that are advertised as "healthy drinks" are healthy. And by now, you should know how to determine which are the ones that can really help you achieve optimum health and the ones that don’t.

Labels to behold

The best way to ensure that you are taking in healthy stuff into your body is by taking time to choose the ones that you consume. This can be done by shopping your foods by yourself. Aside from having the time to choose what you want to eat, you can also check the labels of these foods—especially your favorite health drink—by yourself. When shopping for health drinks, make sure that you avoid those who have the following ingredients in them:

  • phosphoric acid. This acid is the clear, colorless liquid that is usually used in detergents, fertilizers, food flavoring and other pharmaceuticals products. This should be avoided because it can lead to the irritation of the skin as well as the eyes once ingested.
  • high fructose corn syrup. This is a concentrated sugar, which is the major cause of weight gain in many people especially to women. Aside from being among those that leads to obesity, high fructose corn syrup in some health drinks can also lead to abnormal blood sugar levels that may lead to chronic illnesses such diabetes.
  • artificial flavors and sweeteners. More commonly called as "excito-toxins," artificial flavorings are so common in most health drinks that are flavored-based. These artificial flavors are the same ones that you may find in sweet juices, colas and candy bars. Health drinks that have these in them should be avoided to avoid pH imbalances in the blood.
  • processed vitamins. Many people don’t realize it but not all vitamins can be healthy especially if these are liquefied, isolated, and heated. This is because these vitamins and minerals are proven to break down before the body can benefit from them.

Other things to look for include glycerol ester of wood rosin because these are acid forming, the modified food starch, and the yellow 6, yellow 5 and red 40 because these are all artificial coloring or dyes.

Looking for the healthy health drink

Although looking for a healthy drink can take some of your precious time, this will be worth it because you can ensure that you are taking in healthy elements that your body needs.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mid-life high blood pressure raise dementia risk

Having high blood pressure, smoking or having diabetes in middle age dramatically increases the risk of developing dementia in later life.

Researchers in the US looked at the lifestyles of 11,151 people age 46-70 years and followed their health for 12-14 years.

The study (published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry) found that, for people aged less than 55 years:

  • Having high blood pressure increases the risk of dementia
  • Smoking increases the risk of dementia five-fold
  • Having diabetes increases the risk of dementia three-fold

In fact, people who had high blood pressure were 60% more likely to develop dementia than people who didn't have high blood pressure. While people who were smoking were 70% more like to develop dementia in later life than those people who had never smoked. People who had diabetes were more than 100% more likely to develop than people without diabetes.

Dementia is caused by damage to the blood vessels supplying the brain. High blood pressure, smoking and diabetes all damage the insides of these arteries and may explain the link between these conditions and a raised risk of dementia in later life.

These findings reinforce the need for everyone - especially in middle age - to take good care of their health by eating healthily, being regularly active and keeping to a healthy weight.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Regional Oathtaking Ceremony Schedule

In Accordance with the Provisions of Law Warm greetings from the Board of Nursing.

Last June 6 and 7, 2009 the Board of Nursing again was able to successfully satisfy another NLE event in the National Capital Region ang in various other parts of the country with the administrative supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission.

We are writing to formally inform all our regional partners that -
(1)The Oathtaking schedules are being worked out for implementation:
August 18 and 19, SMX Convention Center will be the Oathtaking Ceremonies in Manila. And the following assignments have so far been made:

Areas Identified/ BoN Assigned/ Date Specified/Requested
1. Bacolod - Hon. Betty F. Merritt - August 24
2. Baguio - Hon. Betty F. Merritt -August 21
3. Bohol - Hon. Yolanda C. Arugay
4. CARAGA - Hon. Leonila A. Faire -August 22
5. CDO -Hon. Amelia B. Rosales -September 7
6. CEBU -Hon. Betty F. Merritt -August 25
7. DAVAO -Hon. Leonila A. Faire -August 29
8. GEN. SANTOS -Hon. Marco Sto Tomas
9. ILOILO -Hon. Yolanda C. Arugay
10. ILOCOS -Hon. Perla G. Po -August 22
11. LEGASPI -Hon. Carmencita M. Abaquin -August 21
12. LUCENA -Hon. Perla G. Po
13. PAGADIAN -Hon. Carmencita M. Abaquin
14. PANGASINAN -Hon. Carmencita M. Abaquin -August 28
15. ROXAS -Hon. Leonila A. Faire -August 26
16. TACLOBAN -Hon. Yolanda C. Arugay
17. TUGUEGARAO -Hon. Marco Sto Tomas -August 31
18. ZAMBOANGA/Sulu -Hon. Amelia B. Rosales -August 27

Additional areas may be adopted by the BoN upon request depending on the capability of the combined forces of PNA and ADPCN to organize and lead the Oathtaking Ceremony in the said area. The BoN on deck for such requests are: Hon. Leonila A. Faire, Hon. Amelia B. Rosales, and Hon. Marco Sto Tomas. The Board of Nursing believes this activity brings government particularly PRC and the Board of Nursing closer to our public/constituents.

(2)The BoN strongly recommends that all Regional Oathtaking Ceremonies apply/follow the “Prototype” Oathtaking Program as used in the National Capital Region (NCR) (with minor modifications as applied in the Regions) as provided for in our Oathtaking Souvenir Program.

(3)The names of all successful examinees released in newspapers of national circulation and printed by the Board of Nursing in the National Oathtaking Souvenir Program and together with other relevant and timely issuances/articles these are considered “historic documents”. It is therefore strongly recommended that regional oathtaking partners include in their budget the cost of this souvenir program so that every successful examinee/new nurse may avail of the same,

In view hereof, all regional organizing partners are hereby advised to place your orders directly at least 2-3 weeks prior to scheduled Regional/Satellite Oathtaking Ceremonies for timely delivery through the EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING HOUSE or JADE BOOKSTORE, Manila at Tele-Fax Numbers (02) 288-7278 or (02) 525-0468. The souvenir program cost shall be Php 150.00 each and freight cost shall be borne by the oathtaking host organizer.

(4)For purposes of better synchronicity and organization we advise all our oathtaking partners to keep communications open through:

Ms. Edna Luna, BoN Secretary, PRC Central Office at P. Paredes St., Sampaloc, Manila at Telephone Nos. (02) 735 1534 / 735 4476 / 736 3619 / 736 2250; or The BoN website & BoN e mail access address: or philnursing7@bonphilippines.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

NOTE: The NCR Oathtaking Ceremonies for New Nurses can be viewed nationwide/worldwide/mobile phone by live streaming through our BoN Website.

Thank you so much and let us do this as ONE BODY!

Very truly yours,

Member, Board of Nursing
Chair, Oathtaking for the June 6-7 NLE New Nurses


Chairman, Board of Nursing


June 2009 NLE Passers Oathtaking Ceremony Advisory


1. The MANILA oathtaking ceremony for the successful examinees in the JUNE 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination as well as the previous ones who have not taken their Oaths of Professional, in accordance with Republic Act 9891 and Republic Act 9173 will be held before the Board of Nursing on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 18 and 19, 2009 respectively with morning (8:00 AM) and afternoon (1:00 PM) sessions at the SMX Convention Center, SM Mall of Asia, Pasay City.

2. Oathtaking tickets are available at the Philippine Nurses’ Association (PNA) at 1663 F.T. Benitez Street, Malate, Manila starting July 29, 2009 - Wednesday.

3. All oathtaking candidates must come in their white gala uniform, nurse’s cap, white duty shoes, without earrings, hair not touching the collar and without corsage.

4. The Board of Nursing (BON) wishes to reiterate that the assignment for oathtaking will be according to pre-determined “schedule of school assignments” which will serve as basis for the schedule of tickets to be issued only by the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA) ON WEEKDAYS!

5. For schools without schedule, inductees may buy tickets on a first come first serve basis.

6. Here are the deadlines for buying tickets:

Last day /time for PNA to be selling tickets

Aug 18
AM August 17 5 pm
PM August 18 12 noon

Aug 19
AM August 18 5 pm
PM August 19 12 noon


7. For orderly conduct THERE SHALL ABSOLUTELY BE NO SELLING OF TICKETS WITHIN THE SMX COMPOUND. Admission tickets are only available at PNA on set schedules.

8. On the day of the oathtaking:
 SMX ENTRANCE - there shall be 7 ENTRANCES to SMX -

Adequate parking is available right in front of SMX
No reserved seats. First come First serve basis.
Food stalls available at the lobby. Eating not allowed inside the convention hall.