New Tattoo

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Stop the Ride...I want to get off!!!

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Lots going on around here trying to make sure we "land on our feet" after this latest job layoff for my husband. I start a job this week doing Helpdesk work which while should be lower stress is also about only 60% of what I was previously making salary wise. In today's economy everyone is cutting back and paying less it would seem. So while I got a new job and I am happy to finally be getting out of the house and earning some dough, it won't be enough for us to actually live on and hubs has GOT to get a job to start by next week or I fear the worst will happen. We won't land on our feet. So while there is a little relief, it's not nearly enough.

He was let go without any compensation package of course and I've decided that I will be dropping my health insurance as of August 1st. We have no choice, pay my Cobra or pay the Truck payment..kinda a no brainer. Worst case scenario we will have to move in with my in-laws who live 37 miles from us and about 40 miles from my future employer - so that commute would not be fun or worth it at all for the low salary. Not to mention my husbands family drives me nuts with their passive-aggressive, selfish attitudes. Those people just need to learn to speak their minds - but that's a whole other issue.

I've put my largest asset (next to my car) up for sale on Ebay to see if we can get enough cash to cover Septembers rent. God willing we will. It's amazing the things you will sell when you have to so you can keep a roof over your head and food on the table. I have a whole other appreciation for those who lived through the great depression.

Times like this make me thing how DUMB it was for me to ever leave PA and the rock solid secure well paying job I had there - even though I really was tired of it. Hard times like this also makes me miss my family more and the familiarity of "home back then". We wanted to move to PA by the end of the year. Now I am not sure if and when we will ever be able to move there. Frustrating.

Back to the 2am job hunt for the husband...neither of us can sleep...gee I wonder why?!?!


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