New Tattoo

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Can I safely maintain/lose weight while pregnant

I went to the doctor and they gave me some harsh but encouraging information in regards to my weight. As you know, I am clinically overweight. My BMI (body mass index) for a 5 ft 7 and 179 lb woman is considered to be overweight. Thank God I am no longer in the obese rankings. They say I am a 28.
  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
  • Overweight = 25-29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
With that said, my doctor told me I can safely continue on my weight loss journey by walking briskly after meals, eating a diet consisting of healthy foods, avoid high fat foods, and I can even go to the gym. He expects me to gain only 14 lbs through out my pregnancy which is fine with me. That would mean I will safely carry a baby and deliver at a weight of 193 lbs which is what I will aim for. I am going to continue to go to the gym, he said I can safely consume 2150 calories daily for my baby and we both will be fine. I am happy to know this because putting on too much "baby weight" for someone whose already overweight is not healthy for myself or the baby. I will keep you guys updated. My due date is March 18th and after I have the baby, I will immediately continue on my weight loss journey:)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Salt Restriction For Resistant Hypertension

"Resistant hypertension" is the name doctors give to high blood pressure that turns out to be very difficult to treat effectively. Specifically, resistant hypertension is said to be present if your blood pressure is still not adequately controlled despite taking at least three medications for hypertension. Resistant hypertension affects more than 20% of all patients with high blood pressure.

A small study published this week in the journal Hypertension suggests that in people with resistant hypertension, significant restriction of dietary salt can result in rather large improvements in blood pressure control - generally, the improvement was greater than would normally be expected by adding an additional medication.
n this study, 12 patients with resistant hypertension at the University of Alabama were randomized to one of two diets - a 5700 mg per day sodium diet or a 1150 mg per day sodium diet. All patients were treated, in a randomized cross-over pattern, with each of these diets for a period of time. Investigators found that when the patients were on the lower sodium diet, their blood pressures were signficantly improved, by more than 22 mm Hg for systolic, and more than 9 mm Hg for diastolic pressures.

Somewhat surprisingly (since salt restriction has long been a staple of blood pressure control) this small trial was the first time sodium restriction was specifically evaluated in patients with resistant hypertension.

Because the trial was so small, and the duration of the trial was limited to about two weeks, the trial cannot be considered definitive. Undoubtedly, larger, longer-lasting trials will now be designed to test the sodium-restriction hypothesis in patients with restistant hypertension.
But if you are one of the 20+% of patients with high blood pressure who is taking at least three medications with poor blood pressure control, you might want to talk to your doctor about trying a strict limited-salt diet before adding yet another drug.

Pimenta E, Gaddam KK, Oparil S, et al. Effects of dietary sodium reduction on blood pressure in subjects with resistant hypertension. Results from a randomized trial. Hypertension 2009; DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.109.131235.

DASH Diet Combats Mental Decline

July 14, 2009 (Vienna, Austria) -- The low-fat, high-fiber diet recommended for lowering blood pressure may help prevent memory loss and sharpen mental skills.

Known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension ( DASH) diet, the plan emphasizes fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. Sodium, sweets, and red meats are to be consumed sparingly.

In a new study, the greater a person’s adherence to the DASH diet, the slower the rate of mental decline, reports Heidi Wengreen, PhD, RD, assistant professor of nutrition at Utah State University in Logan, and colleagues.

It’s not surprising that the diet worked: The DASH eating plan has been proven to lower blood pressure, and high blood pressure is a known risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, says Ron Munger, PhD, a professor of nutrition at Utah State who also worked on the study.

“Over the years, researchers have tried to slow cognitive decline using single nutrients and supplements, with mixed results. [That’s because] the total diet is greater than the sum of its parts,” he tells WebMD.

Vegetables, Nuts, Whole Grains Help
The study involved 3,831 people 65 and older with no signs of dementia.

At the start of the study, they filled out a 142-item food questionnaire asking what they ate and how often they ate it. Based on their adherence to the components of the DASH diet, the participants were divided into five groups, or quintiles.

A standard test that measures overall cognitive function, including memory, attention span, and problem solving, was given at the outset and four other times over an 11-year period.

The researchers found that those in the highest quintile had the best cognitive functioning at the beginning of the study and the least decline in mental skills over time.

The best foods at curbing mental decline: vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and nuts and legumes, Munger says.

The findings were presented at the Alzheimer’s Association 2009 International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease.

Not Easy to Follow
The DASH diet isn’t easy to follow, he acknowledges. It calls for a total of eight to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, for example, and “only about 25% of Americans eat even five servings a day,” Munger says.

“The good news is there’s lots of room for improvement,” he says.

Also, the study doesn’t prove that the diet slows mental decline. It could be the diet itself or some other lifestyle factor shared by people who eat well that is responsible for the protective effect.

On the other hand, DASH is proven safe and effective and lowers blood pressure, so there’s no reason not to follow it, Munger says.

Each day that you follow the eating plan “helps you to preserve a little bit of cognitive function that otherwise would have been lost,” says Maria Carrillo, PhD, director of medical and scientific relations at the Alzheimer’s Association.

“And it’s cumulative, so ultimately there’s a big difference,” she tells WebMD

Source: WebMD

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Stop the Ride...I want to get off!!!

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Lots going on around here trying to make sure we "land on our feet" after this latest job layoff for my husband. I start a job this week doing Helpdesk work which while should be lower stress is also about only 60% of what I was previously making salary wise. In today's economy everyone is cutting back and paying less it would seem. So while I got a new job and I am happy to finally be getting out of the house and earning some dough, it won't be enough for us to actually live on and hubs has GOT to get a job to start by next week or I fear the worst will happen. We won't land on our feet. So while there is a little relief, it's not nearly enough.

He was let go without any compensation package of course and I've decided that I will be dropping my health insurance as of August 1st. We have no choice, pay my Cobra or pay the Truck payment..kinda a no brainer. Worst case scenario we will have to move in with my in-laws who live 37 miles from us and about 40 miles from my future employer - so that commute would not be fun or worth it at all for the low salary. Not to mention my husbands family drives me nuts with their passive-aggressive, selfish attitudes. Those people just need to learn to speak their minds - but that's a whole other issue.

I've put my largest asset (next to my car) up for sale on Ebay to see if we can get enough cash to cover Septembers rent. God willing we will. It's amazing the things you will sell when you have to so you can keep a roof over your head and food on the table. I have a whole other appreciation for those who lived through the great depression.

Times like this make me thing how DUMB it was for me to ever leave PA and the rock solid secure well paying job I had there - even though I really was tired of it. Hard times like this also makes me miss my family more and the familiarity of "home back then". We wanted to move to PA by the end of the year. Now I am not sure if and when we will ever be able to move there. Frustrating.

Back to the 2am job hunt for the husband...neither of us can sleep...gee I wonder why?!?!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

What's the plan Stan?

Stan being God. My hubby lost his job today. So we have no income. Are probably going to have to move in with the in-laws. Life's challenges just never end. Never...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

OMG! Guess what I just found out!!

After all of this dieting, eating right, watching calories, drinking protein shakes and being active - I have found out the most happiest but indifferent news of all time! I am not sure if I am happy or sad or what, but I am pregnant! Yes, I took 6 pregnancy tests. I took 5 at home and one at the doctors office and I turned up pregnant. My husband and I have been sooo careful so I dont know how that happened.
Don't fret, everyone. Pregnant women can still pursue healthy lifestyles so I will continue on my weight loss venture. O gosh, not another one... LOL. My baby is only 13 months so another one so close will certainly be a task for me. Wish me luck!
By the way in case you're wondering, the pic is of me with my first baby. My stomach isn't that big yet ha ha!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How to Lower Blood Pressure - Five Top Tips

How to lower your blood pressure

Five top tips to avoid or reduce high blood pressure:

1. Cut down on salt – eat no more than 6g a day (a teaspoon). Around 70 per cent of the salt in our diets has already been added to the food we eat, so watch out for hidden salt in bread, cereals, processed meats, cheeses and ready meals.
Can lower BP by 2-8mmHg
2. Eat at least five, ideally seven to nine, portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
Can lower BP 7mmHg or more
3. Be as active as you can – even moderate physical activity like brisk walking, five days a week, will help get your pressure down.
Can lower BP by 4-9mmHg
4. Find and reach your ideal weight.
Can lower BP by 5-10mmHg per 10kg lost
5. Keep an eye on alcohol – no more than 2- 3 units a day for women. One medium glass of wine (175) is equal to 2 units.
Can lower BP by 2-4mmHg

A guide to blood pressure levels

What is "normal blood pressure"?

Less than 120/80mmHg – blood pressure is at the ‘optimal’ level so follow a healthy lifestyle to keep it that way

121/81 – 129/84mmHg – blood pressure is ‘average’ and you would benefit from lowering it

130/85 – 139/89mmHg – blood pressure is on the ‘high side of normal’ and should be lowered

140/90mmHg or above – if readings are consistently at or above this level you have ‘high’ blood pressure, take action now to lower it .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Group Project Cancelled

I won't be doing the Tips/Suggestions for the Newly Diagnosed, as no one has submitted anything to me in the past week. Oh well, I tried. May be a bad time of year to do it with everyone vacationing and such.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

HIDDEN SUGAR affects weight loss!!

Have you ever thought of how to convert grams of sugar listed on labels to teaspoons or tablespoons of sugar?
Well I have the answer! One teaspoon of granulated white sugar is equal to about 4.2 grams. If you are buying a bottle of flavored water with 44 grams of sugar, you would divide 44 by 4.2 which is equal to 10 teaspoons of sugar. Disgusting, huh? Did you know that sugar which is not burnt off with daily exercise will just turn into fat as stored energy? Hardly anything we want to happen to our bodies! I advise you to keep your sugar intake as low as possible, read those labels, and don't be fooled by manufacturers who state "low fat" or "low sodium" because when they lower one thing, surely enough, they higher something else.

Friday, July 10, 2009

High Blood Pressure in Black Women

They call it the silent killer. High blood pressure can cause a host of issues if left untreated. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure a few months ago and since then, I have been on a drug called hydrochlorothiazide, also called HCTZ 25mg (a diuretic). I take 1 pill a day. They say my blood pressure is not high enough to put me on something a little more powerful. The average American woman's blood pressure is 120/80 but prior to taking meds, mine was in the 145/95 range. Not dangerously high, but high enough to cause concern.
My doctor said the HCTZ will rid me of water weight. Thats the drugs primary function. When the water drains out through my kidneys, it will also flush the salt along with it. The results will be a lower blood pressure. Well, I have taken the drug for a month now, and my blood pressure has went down to 130/90 which is awesome.
Now, you are asking yourself, how does this post relate to weight loss. Well, HCTZ has been known to slow down weight loss. The drug does rid you of water weight which is every PMS'ing woman's dream, however, the drug also spikes your blood sugar! High blood sugar means that you are going to be hungry not long after you eat because your body processes the food so fast... which will cause weight gain and possible insulin resistance.
So, what should I do. Should I look to western medicine to rid me of my high blood pressure, or should I do it the natural and safe way. That would be proper diet and excercise. I have been eating proper for the past 7 months, but I was eating salt along with my foods. We will see how this goes with the salt free diet and the diuretic prescribed medication. So far, so good but the fact that my blood sugar is at risk worries me. I am going to get my blood sugar checked next week and tell you guys my numbers.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How to lose belly fat

Tired of that fat sitting around your waist? Tired of doing crunches to no avail. 1000 crunches will give you the same results as 100 crunches, so just quit it - it is a hopeless venture. I will reveal the secret on how to get rid of belly fat once and for all!
Now, most of us do not know this. Our bodies choose to store fat in our bellies because its lots of space there and its convenient for our bodies to store it there. Our bodies say "Gee, look at all that space, lets put the cheeseburger and fries RIGHT there on his/her tummy after it digests"! VOILA, there goes your belly fat, stored up to live happily ever after (not unless a famine comes along).
Well, when we venture on our weight loss quest, we intend to lose body fat, right. Well, you do - just in the places you wish would go last and not first. For instance, when I started to lose weight, my legs were the first to go. I still had the belly fat, and I looked like a chicken in the mirror LOL! Every pound of fat you lose from the belly, it takes fat from another part of the body and stores it in your tummy (again, prepping for the famine). This means you have excess fat, which is why you are partaking in the weight loss efforts in the first place! Don't you wish you could sit down and have a nice long conversation with your body and make it do what you want it to do?
Unfortunately, we do not have that option, so this is what you have to do:

  • Eat more often, a minimum of 6 short meals a day.
  • Have a portion of lean protein in every meal. This could be a protein shake, chicken breast etc...
  • Eat a high calorie breakfast (but lowfat), and dinner like a toddler.
  • Always eat your green vegetables, and get lots of fiber in your diet.
  • Try to have a glass of green tea after every meal. This helps control your hunger.
  • Drink plenty of water a day, theres no getting around it!
  • Keep sugar levels low. Don't keep them too low because you need sugar in your system to keep us active.
  • NEVER STARVE YOURSELF, eat 6x a day no matter what! If you starve yourself, that triggers fasting inside your delicate system, and the body stores more fat instead of burning it (again, prepping for the famine - the body is an amazing vessel)
  • Here is the part we hate to hear. Burn fat all over your body with excercise. Try some resistance training with weights. If you burn fat all over, fat can not survive in our bellies for too long. At first, you will not see results but when you do, pat yourself on the back and be proud of what you have achieved! Remember to stay at it. It will be worth it in the end!

I know all of this sounds simple, but when you try to commit to following these simple steps, you fall short after the first few days. If you need help and support, feel free to email me at and I will give you encouragement and guidance for FREE!

Group Project: MS Tips/Tricks for Newly Diagnosed

I would like to put something together in the form of a post for those who are newly diagnosed. We each have our own MS Story, but, let's put the focus on some helpful Tips and Tricks that really could have helped us upon our initial diagnosis. Time/Energy Savers, Questions to ask, MS Books to read, Holistic Medicine, Supplements, Aides to look at etc...

Assignment: Email me ( 1 or 2 short (no long explanations) and sweet tips and/or tricks that would help a newly diagnosed person. Share anything you think is useful. I will then take all the emails and create a post - giving each person their individual credit of course.

I've been meeting more and more people being diagnosed with MS and it seems our numbers are growing, so, why not help each other!

Due Date: July 14, 2009

Post Date: July 17, 2009

Lets see how many tips/tricks we can come up with!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Youtube takedown

I have decided to not vlog anymore on youtube anytime soon. I will continue to blog. Thanks for your support.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Weight Loss PROGRESS!!

There was a time when I could not fit this shirt. It was back in summer 2007. I distinctly remember one day getting ready to go out to eat brunch with my husband and crying in the closet because I couldn't find anything to wear/fit. I remember trying on this shirt and even though it is stretchable cotton, I had stretched the characters on the shirt so much that you couldn't understand what the shirt said and my fat rolls were showing. It was an overall uncomfortable experience and one I remember very well.
Well, my husband, baby and I went to the beach last weekend for some relaxation, and I had a moment of Deja Vu in the closet after I reached for this shirt. Sometimes we forget how much weight we have truly lost and need to be reminded in our fitting of clothes.
I picked up the shirt, immediately thought 'I can't fit it' and put it back in my drawer. Then, something told me "yes you can" so I put the shirt on and YES!!! I could fit it!
I even had room left over in the shirt and no fat rolls protruded though for the world to see.
My shorts are a size 11/12 from old navy. I ordered them online. When I placed my order a few weeks ago, I subconsciously clicked on size 18/20 and then it hit me - 'chica you lost weight' - so I ordered a 11/12 and after i submitted the order, i smiled to myself. I realized that now, I am on my way to a healthier and happier new me. I love it!


According to raw food extraordinaire David Wolfe, berries are the most natural food for human consumption and a cleanser for the human body. We spend so much time thinking about what we put in our bodies we forget the importance of what comes out! Furthermore, berries are a wonderful source of Vitamins C, E, calcium and folic acid and are rich in phytochemicals.


Berries are also an excellent source of dietary fiber, which has been linked to lowered cholesterol levels and weight loss. Some forms have even shown to have anti-cancer properties in laboratory settings. The goji berry, the #1 food in Chinese medicine, is one of the highest anti-oxidant foods on the planet and well-worth looking into!

For breakfast, (if you are cost concsious) try some frozen blueberries and rasberries along with plain yogurt and granola. You will find yourself feeling rejuvinated after eating this wonder breakfast which has all you need to get through the day. Add in some protein and you will be good to go!

Musikfest 2009!

I wanted to inform all my readers of a great music festival that takes place every summer in Bethlehem, PA called Musikfest. Drawing over 1 million people each year, it is the biggest and best Music Festival I've ever been to and I've been to many all over the country.

From the "about" page on the Musikfest website:

In 1984, nearly 182,000 people attended a small, grass-roots music festival in Bethlehem, Pa. featuring 118 performers and 295 performances on six stages. At the time, no one knew how large the event would grow or how long it would last.

Amazingly, more than two decades have passed since that first Musikfest. And from those humble beginnings, the event has blossomed into a 10-day musical spectacular that attracts more than one million people from throughout the country.

The festival, which showcases nearly every musical style imaginable, features:

  • More than 300 performers from across the country and around the globe.
  • Musical programming at 14 different indoor and outdoor stages (11 stages are free).
  • 10 great nights of headline entertainment.
  • Mouth-watering foods, plenty of children's fun and activities and a spectacular closing-night fireworks display.

As a tribute to Bethlehem's Germanic heritage, Most of Musikfest's sites have german 'platz' names- the word 'platz' is German for "place."


This year my husband and I are going to attend the Festival and see David Cook, last years American Idol winner who we love. If you have any free time and want to check out some great music, foods and fun be sure to visit Musikfest! Maybe we'll see ya there!