New Tattoo

Monday, March 2, 2009

How to do the Liver Flush

What is a Liver Flush you ask, well I did a video on this a while ago so check it out, but if you are unable to view the is some useful information on the liver flush:

One of your liver's main tasks is to regulate the metabolism of fat, and to remove excess fat from your body in the bile. Alcohol, chemicals in the home or workplace, medicinal drugs and excess waste products resulting from a poor diet (especially from processed foods) can all damage your liver. They cause excessive fat to build up within your liver, which impairs its ability to function. This means that your liver is no longer able to handle fats properly, allowing fat to start accumulating around your waistline or being deposited under your skin as cellulite SO FLUSH IT!!!!!

In some severe cases of excessively fatty livers and/or slow sluggish livers, it may be necessary to continue on the liver cleanse for several months to see good results. I've heard upto 6 months for optimal results. However some people see results much sooner than that.
Some people also opt to add another supplement to this regime in order to increase the bodys ablility to burn off fat stores such as Omega 3 supplements and Fish oil/flaxseed oil

Fatty degeneration of the liver is not a condition that often makes the headlines. Yet it affects more than 50 per cent of people The most common symptoms of this condition are difficulty in losing weight, a potbelly or 'spare tyre', cellulite and a high blood cholesterol reading (which can be detected through a simple blood test).

It's vital to look after your liver - it's the largest organ in your body and has many important functions. Everything that you eat, breathe or absorb through your skin must be refined and detoxified by your liver.

2 Lemon Juice (real lemons)
2 Grapefruit Juice(real grapefruits)
2 Oranges (real oranges)
1/4 cup Olive Oil
2 TBSP Epsom Salt

wisk the first 5 ingredients together to emulsify the ingredients, then add water gradually throughout the day and sip. This will cause you to go to the bathroom so make sure you can stay in all day. When I did this on 1/25/2009 I lost 4.2 lbs at my next weigh in so it works!


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