New Tattoo

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Going Good and Back on Track

So, lately I know I've been sort of the blogger you don't want to be around. Ha Ha, I was just down in the dumps from the slow weight loss but I am indeed back on track. I just lost 1.8 lbs, you guys and that is HUGE for the slump I've been in lately.

Last Week: 181.6
This Week: 179.8
DOWN!!!!! 1.8 lbs

YES!!! (jumping up and down) I am officially in the 170's and theres no turning back to the 200's, 190's or 180's anymore. I am on a healthy voyage in life and it feels so good to finally see the 170's...this is something I haven't seen since my teenage years (im 29). Um, I can't complain at all. I have been eating a lot of citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, grapefruits, and I've been putting a product called TRUE LEMON in my water. Of course you know that lemon detoxifies your body as well as put your PH balance back on track. If your body isn't bagged down with toxins, it can lose weight more efficiently. Lemons also are blood sugar stabilizers that speed the metabolism and keep weight loss moving along so get some lemons in your diet and citrus:)

Sorry I haven't been putting up pics of what I eat lately, however, I have been eating pretty much the same diet. Heres a rundown of what I ate yesterday just to give you an idea as to how my diet is going

  • Breakfast: 2 egg whites w/greenpeppers and onions scrambles and toast 135 cal
  • SNACK: grapefruit and hummus w/pita bread - 160 cal
  • Lunch: Tuna wrapped in Lettuce with boiled egg - 140 cal
  • SNACK: whole wheat crackers w/laughing cow cheese and grapes- 220 cal
  • SNACK: handfull of walnuts 200 calorie
  • Dinner: chicken breast, black beans with salsa, brussel sprouts - 450 cal
  • I was hungry snack: homemade (non microwave) popcorn - 100 cal
  • TOTAL: 1405 calories for the day!!!

I hope you guys have been doing good. I am subscribed to so many blogs that I rarely get a chance to read everyones so if you really want me to check out a certain post, put it in the comments section and I will head on over to your blog and check it out. I am sorry if I haven't been by your blogs lately but I am so busy with my 9 month old baby and being a busy wife that sometimes my downtime (browsing online) is nonexistent. Ok, I am back on track and excited for whats to come. Next week my goal is to be atleast 177 so watch out world, here I come!


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