New Tattoo

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Vitamin C Turunkan Kadar Asam Urat

VITAMIN C ternyata tak hanya bagus untuk memperbaiki kondisi tubuh usai operasi atau saat lemah, melainkan juga baik bagi mereka yang menderita penyakit asam urat atau gout, satu bentuk rematik yang menyebabkan munculnya peradangan pada sendi-sendi.

"Asupan vitamin C menyediakan pilihan lain yang bermanfaat dalam mencegah penyakit asam urat," jelas Dr. Hyon Choi dan koleganya dari universitas British Columbia di Vancouver, Kanada.

Korban-korban penyakit gout memiliki ciri biasanya berusia 40-an atau lebih dan pria, meski kadang juga wanita. Vitamin C dikatakan para ahli ini dapat menurunkan kadar asam urat dalam darah.

Gout, merupakan penyakit yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan permanen pada sendi dan terkait dengan penyalahgunaan alkohol, kegemukan, tekanan darah tinggi dan diet tinggi daging serta keju.

Di Amerika Serikat, penyakit ini nyaris menyerang sekitar 3 juta warga. Sebuah observasi atas 47.000 pria Amerika dari tahun 1986 hingga 2006 dengan beragam masalah kesehatan menemukan bahwa setiap 500 mg vitamin C yang dikonsumsi menurunkan risiko terkena gout hingga 17 persen.

Sementara itu. sekitar 70 mg vitamin C dapat Anda peroleh dari sebuah jeruk. Konsentrasi lebih tinggi dapat diperoleh dari pil suplemen.

Risiko makin berkurang hingga 45 persen bagi mereka yang mengonsumsi Vitamin C 1.500 mg per hari dibanding mereka yang mengonsumsi 250 mg per hari, kata tim yang dikepalai Choi yang sekarang mengajar di Universitas Boston, Amerika Serikat.

Sumber : Yahoo!Health"



1. MANAGE STRESS: Although stress is a normal part of the human experience, it is how we manage stress. Stress and anxiety cause chemicals to be released into your body, raise your blood pressure and cause a reduction of blood flow to your heart. Most people in Stage 1 or 2 of adrenal fatigue typically have elevated blood pressure secondary to increased cortisol and adrenaline. Those with hypertension should always rule out heavy metal toxicity. LDL cholesterol levels may increase from excessive stress too.

Winning Formulas to Relax and Manage Stress (practice some form of stress reduction EVERY day):
  • Prioritize – write down your priorities
  • Breathe – Full, deep belly breathing. Start with a minimum of two minutes every day and gradually increase to ten minutes daily.
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Massage
  • Listen to calm music
  • Warm, aromatherapy bath with 2 cups Epsom salts and 1 cup baking soda
  • Change how you view situations
  • Surround yourself with like-minded people and friends. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Be aware and eliminate unhealthy, stressful social behaviors including arguments, drama, drinking, inactivity, unhealthy eating and over-eating.
o University of Utah psychologist found that women in strained marriages are more likely to feel depressed and suffer high blood pressure, obesity and other signs of "metabolic syndrome," a group of risk factors for heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Dissolve unhealthy lose-win relationships and focus on attracting only win-win relationships.

2. ELIMINATE ALL PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED OILS (TRANS FATS): Partially hydrogenated oils are found in thousands of processed foods (breakfast cereals, cookies, chips, fried foods, packaged foods, all CRAP food). Trans fats are proven to cause heart disease. Restaurant food, especially from fast food chains, often serve food loaded with trans fats.

Consequences of a diet high in trans fats include:
↑ inflammation
↓immune function

Decrease IQ – learning disabilities. American IQ has dropped 20 points in the past 20 years.
Elevated blood pressure
Free radical production

Heart Disease
Interferes with neurological & visual development of fetus
Liver damage
Type II diabetes

3. LOSE BODY FAT: This is achieved with the “4 Powers” – Nutrition, Lifestyle, Exercise and Supplements. Excess body fat stresses your joints and organs, including your heart. Decreasing body fat in a healthy, slow, steady manner will improve your health, lower your cholesterol and reduce blood pressure and your risk of diabetes.

4. CONSISTENT EXERCISE: This isn’t breaking news. Exercise will help you reduce stress, decrease body fat, increase your metabolism and lower your risk of diabetes. Adequate, consistent exercise will lower your blood pressure AND increase the “good” HDL cholesterol and lower your triglycerides. Take a brisk 30 minute walk every day. There is evidence that resistance training results in a more favorable balance in myocardial oxygen supply and demand than aerobic exercise due to the lower heart rate and higher myocardial perfusion pressure. Moderate intensity strength training can control or prevent hypertension. Circulation 116: 572-584, 2007.

5. ELIMINATE HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP: HFCS is the number one source of calories for most Americans and causes obesity. You’ll find high-fructose corn syrup in processed crap food, sodas, syrup that goes into your Latte from Starbucks, etc. HFCS is extremely toxic to your liver, increases inflammation, oxidative stress and creates an aggressive insulin response.

6. SUPPLEMENTS FOR HYPERTENSION: Omega-3 fish oils, magnesium, vitamin D, COQ10, Biotics VasculoSirt, Green Tea Extract, Hawthorne Extract, Digestive enzymes, Probiotics, Folic Acid, Ginger
Ginger has blood pressure-lowering effects that can protect against the chronic brain injury caused by hypertension. Vascul Pharmacol, 2005 Oct;43(4):234-41
Supplementation with at least 5000 microg/d folic acid for at least 6 weeks may reduce systolic blood pressure slightly. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 2009; 8(1): 15-24.
Diuretics cause potassium levels to drop increasing the risk of hypokalemia.
Beta-blockers reduce heart rate and cardiac output potentially reducing exercise performance.
With calcium channel blockers systolic and diastolic blood pressures are reduced during exercise which may result in light headedness and peripheral edema post-exercise.
Additional side effects from hypertension drugs include: dizziness, increased risk of breast cancer, memory loss, nausea, asthma-like symptoms, joint pain and impotence in men.

SUPPLEMENTS FOR ELEVATED CHOLESTEROL: Omega-3 fish oils, tocotrienols, pantethine, vitamin D, Biotics VasculoSirt or GlucoBalance, LipidSirt, CoQ10, Green Tea Extract

Read more about cholesterol and the side effects from statin drugs in my book, THE POWER OF 4 and by visiting my website for my article on cholesterol

According to a recent study, men with higher vitamin D levels had a 59% reduction in heart attacks. So if vitamin D’s only benefit was to reduce coronary heart attack rates by 59%, the net savings (after deducting the cost of the vitamin D) if every American supplemented properly would be around $85 billion each year. Arch Intern Med. 2008 Jun 9; 168(11):1174-80

7. FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE increase potassium rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes and fish. Most Americans consume only half the recommended daily intake of potassium and twice the suggested limit for sodium! Potassium can influence BP levels by increasing sodium excretion from the body by stimulating the blood vessels to dilate, opening potassium channels.

FOR ELEVATED CHOLESTEROL increase consumption of plant sterols, sometimes called phytosterols. Plant sterols are the healthy compounds that occur naturally in a variety of plant foods such as fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts. These foods are recognized for their proven role in lowering LDL “bad” cholesterol levels.

FOR BOTH, ELEVATED CHOLESTEROL and HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE include beta-glucan for fiber, a natural occurring soluble fiber found in whole-grain, oat based cereals. Beta-glucan has LDL cholesterol lowering benefits and substantial decreases in blood pressure.

FATS - avocado, wild fish, raw (unsalted) organic nuts and seeds, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil
PROTEINS – Grass-fed beef and buffalo, cage-free poultry, wild salmon, fish, eggs, quality whey protein isolate or concentrate.

9. DECREASE ALCOHOL and CAFFEINE CONSUMPTION and INCREASE WATER INTAKE: Alcohol and caffeine cause adrenaline rushes that make blood pressure soar. Alcohol, sugar and processed, refined grains also lead to insulin resistance, hypertension and elevated cholesterol. Alcohol can affect your nerves and how your liver processes fat in the blood. Alcohol and caffeine disrupt blood glucose levels. Not only is alcohol hard on the body, just one drink can cause cellular death in several organs such as the brain.

Take your bodyweight and multiply by .7 – this will give you the number of ounces you should be drinking daily. Add a pinch of Celtic sea salt and lemon to your water.

10. ELIMINATE SUGAR, REFINED CARBOHYDRATES and ALL ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS: Phenylalanine, especially found in Nutra-Sweet and OTC antihistamines, can aggravate high blood pressure.

Sugar is more addictive than cocaine! Sugar has a profound influence on your brain function and your psychological function. When you consume excess amounts of sugar, your body releases excess amounts of insulin, which in turn causes a drop in your blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia. Sugar and refined carbohydrates wreak havoc on blood glucose levels.

In addition, sugar is pro-flammatory and damages skin collagen and promotes again and wrinkles, increases your appetite, depletes your body of B vitamins, causes joint degeneration, ADHD and other behavior disorders, stimulates cholesterol synthesis and weight gain. This is just a small list of sugars’ toxic side effects.

Proteinuria in a person with high blood pressure is an indicator of declining kidney function. Proteinuria is a condition in which urine contains an abnormal amount of protein. Proteins are the building blocks for all body parts, including muscles, bones, hair, and nails. Proteins in your blood also perform a number of important functions. They protect you from infection, help your blood clot, and keep the right amount of fluid circulating throughout your body. If the hypertension is not controlled, the person can progress to full renal failure. High blood pressure is the second leading cause of ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) – diabetes is the first. The first sign of deteriorating kidney function is the presence of small amounts of albumin in the urine called microabluminuria. As kidney function declines, the amount of albumin in the urine increases and microalbuminuria becomes full-fledged porteinuria.

Hypertension and elevated cholesterol (as well as diabetes) can be managed WITHOUT pharmaceutical drugs. HOW? Healthy lifestyle habits, stress management, supplements, diet and nutrition, a proper exercise program and fat loss.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Is Nicotine Patch really safe? | I Love My Health!

Is Nicotine Patch really safe? | I Love My Health!: "Nicotine patches appear to be safe aide for smoking cessation, even among patients with coronary artery disease and active ischemia, finds a study by Methodist DeBakey Heart Center researchers.

In this prospective, multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, 55 participants who had a greater than nine percent ischemic perfussion defect size ( based on SPECT scan) and who smoked over 20 cigarettes per day were randomly required to receive eight 21 mg nicotine patches or placebo patches while continuing to smoke."

Monday, March 23, 2009


Crackles are discontinuous, brief sounds heard more commonly on inspiration.

They can be classified as

* fine (high pitched, very brief) or
* coarse (low pitched, less brief).

Crackles can be produced by two common mechanisms.

* When previously closed small airways suddenly open. To see how this can happen, gently close your wet lips and open them suddenly. You will hear a 'plop'. When this happens in the terminal bronchioles, fine crackels are produced.
* Another explanation is that air bubbles through secretions as in pulmonary edema and resolving pneumonia.


1. bronchiectasis
2. pulmonary edema
4. consolidation
5. fibrosis
6. asthma
7. chronic bronchitis
8. interstitial lung disease

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Diligence and persistence

I have been beating myself up in the gym. I work out until I have burned a total of 600 calories or more. I won't leave until I have atleast 600 calories burnt off my waist line. I have gotten to the point where I am comfortable in my skin and i feel confident enough to walk around the gym without a frumpy sweater and huge pants. My transformation is breath taking, its a huge undertaking and I can't believe someone like me - a once lazy, sedentary, fried food and french fry loving woman such as myself has turned to a healthy lifestyle.

Here is a rundown of my diet today:

Breakfast - 1/2 cup scrambled eggs w/green pepper and onion

1 bananna

1 piece of toast

Snack 1/4 cup walnuts

1 smoothie w/ bananna, strawberries, and rasperries/yogurt

Lunch 1 cup butternut squash soup

1/2 grapefruit (ruby red)

Dinner baked beans

cereal bar (fiber one)


I had lots and lots of water and I went to the gym twice today for a total of 840 calories burned in ONE DAY!! I have been busy with getting ready for a big trip from Japan to america and I am sorry I havent had the time to update my blog but once I am back home in Japan, i will update more frequently. Thank you for all the support and kindness!! I appreciate it:)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Foods that should be avoided

The Foods that should be avoided if you have High blood pressure symptoms are as follow :

1. Alcohol
The association between alcohol and high blood pressure is well documented both in population and clinical studies. An Alcohol intake of about 80 g/day (Equivalent to four pints of beer) has been shown to raise Blood pressure particularly in patients of hypertension. Blood pressure tends to fall when alcohol is stopped or reduced and remains low in patients who continue to abstain.

Patients with high blood pressure should avoid Alcohol. As alcohol can raise blood pressure directly, is also an important factor in damaging walls of blood vessels, which can elevate the blood pressure further and make it more difficult to treat, while at the same time increasing the risk of complications. Limit consumption of Alcohol to no more than two drinks per day in most men and one drink per day in women and lightweight men.

2. Salt
A restriction in dietary sodium intake can reduce the incidence of high blood pressure. Studies have shown that there is a clear relationship between dietary salt intake and Blood pressure and people who consume less salt have a smaller rise in Blood pressure with advancing age. Salt restriction to about 100mmol/day (2.4 gm sodium or 6 gm sodium chloride) has been shown to produce a significant reduction in systolic Blood pressure to about 8-14 mm Hg in several randomized placebo-controlled studies. In some people, eating too much salt can make blood pressure much worse and In other cases the same salt consumption may have no effect.
More salt intake will result in more retention of fluid by kidneys and this will lead to more preload on heart, that will result in more blood pressure. You should avoid salt in your diet if you
really want to control your blood pressure. If you are already a patient of hypertension, then reduce salt in your diet as it just accentuates the problem. You can lower your blood pressure to a great extent if you reduce salt consumption in your diet. You should not have more than 6 grams (100mmol/day) of salt per day. Pizza, canned foods, frozen diners, broths, canned soups and salad dressings have high sodium so try to avoid these foods. If you are non-vegetarian then make sure you are including white meat like chicken and fish rather than red meat in your diet.

3. Fats
Food that is rich in fats should be avoided. Foods High in Fat are as follows :
  • Fats and oils (like margarine, vegetable oils, butter, lard, salt pork, meat drippings, gravy, and fat back)
  • Cream, ice cream, Whole milk, 2% milk.
  • Most pies, pastries, cakes.
  • Most cheeses (like cream cheese, cheddar, American)
  • Many snack foods (like nuts and chips)
  • Fatty meats (like corned beef, regular ground beef, ribs, sausage, hot dogs, bacon, bologna, salami,)
  • Fried foods (like French fries and fried chicken)
  • Most cookies contain high fat content
  • Many fast foods are also rich in fats

Saturated fats are not good for heart and blood vessels. Low density lipoprotein LDL is main factor which causes thickening of blood vessels so causing extra strain on blood vessels in patients of high blood pressure. The balanced high blood pressure diet should include mild amounts of saturated and trans-fats (red meat, fast food), and moderate amounts of other fats (olive oil and canola oil).

4- Caffeine Intake: The evidence from the literature is rather conflicting and the effects of caffeine seem to depend on multiple variables such as daily dose, preexisting Blood pressure and coffee drinking habits. The ingestion of 250mg of caffeine has been shown to cause an increase in systolic blood pressure ranging from 6mm of hg in normal individuals to 10 mm hg in patients with hypertension and an increase in diastolic blood pressure of 5 mm hg in normal individuals to 8.5 mm Hg in patients of hypertension.
High blood pressure symptoms

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

In 90 to 95 percent of high blood pressure cases, the cause is unknown. In fact, you can have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. That's why it's the “silent killer” When the cause is unknown, you have what's called essential or primary hypertension.

In the remaining 5% or less of people with elevated blood pressure,a specific cause is known, and they are considered to have "secondary hypertension." Examples of causes of secondary
hypertension include kidney failure, narrowing of the arteries to the kidneys, and various hormonal conditions.
These problems can usually be corrected. For example, doctors can repair a narrowed artery that supplies blood to a kidney. Most of these problems can be ruled out by a careful history, a physical examination and a few tests. Special tests are sometimes needed, but you don't usually have to stay in the hospital.

Over 95% of people with elevated blood pressure have "essential hypertension." This means that the specific cause of their high blood pressure is not known. It is likely that both genetic
(inherited) and environmental factors, such as your diet, play a role. The ways that all of the contributing factors interact to elevate blood pressure are not necessarily the same for each person.

In addition, most of the genetic causes of hypertension are still a matter of research. Therefore, for the time being, most patients with high blood pressure are considered to have "essential
high blood pressure."

Does Age Affect a Person's Risk of Having High Blood Pressure ?
Hypertension, in particular the type that selectively increases systolic blood pressure (the "top" number), becomes steadily more common with advancing age. Older the patient, more will be the chances of high blood pressure.

Is High blood Pressure Genetic?
For the vast majority of hypertensive patients, there is no one gene passed on (inherited) from parent to child that is responsible for high blood pressure. More likely, there are many different genes that interact with each other and the environment to produce high blood pressure. Therefore, inheritance predisposes a person to high blood pressure, but hypertension might only occur with the addition of one or more environmental factors. But it is possible that hypertension may run in Families. So Family history is also significant of a hypertensive patient addition, African Americans are more prone as a group to develop hypertension and develop it at
a younger age than those of other races or heritage.

Does a High Salt Diet Cause High Blood Pressure ?
It has been known for a long time that societies with diets high in salt experience more hypertension and the associated complications of heart attack, stroke, and organ damage. It is not known, however, if increased salt is itself responsible for elevated blood pressure.

It might be, for example, that people from societies with increased salt intake may also have some other dietary factors or an inherited factor that is responsible for their hypertension. Most physicians do not believe that high salt intake alone causes high blood pressure, but they do believe it plays an important role. The most likely explanation is that there are other environmental and genetic factors that along with high salt intake all work together to cause
hypertension. More salt you take, your kidneys will retain more water inside body, resulting in increased blood pressure.

Does Alcohol Consumption Cause High Blood Pressure?
Although the media has widely publicized the beneficial effects of alcohol on the heart, it must be remembered that this applies only to moderate alcohol intake. People who have more than two drinks per day are much more likely to have sustained elevations in blood pressure than nondrinkers. Alcohol may therefore be an unrecognized cause of hypertension in a large number of moderate to heavy drinkers.

Does Obesity Cause High Blood Pressure ?
The reasons why obesity may lead to hypertension are not completely understood, but weight reduction in obese patients definitely lowers blood pressure. The benefits of even a modest reduction in weight are multiple: reduction or elimination of blood pressure medications, improvement in cholesterol levels, and decreased risk of heart attack. Unfortunately, as many patients can attest, weight reduction is easy to recommend but difficult to achieve and
maintain. A daily exercise program, a strong social support system, and initially modest goals for weight loss are all required for long-term success.

Does Emotional Stress or Caffeine Cause High Blood Pressure?
Emotional stress, in the short term, can elevate the blood pressure. However, it does not cause a persistent elevation in blood pressure and therefore does not cause true hypertension with its associated consequences. Relaxation therapies and biofeedback may offer other benefits, but they have not been shown to prevent the development of hypertension or significantly lower blood pressure.

Similarly, caffeine may raise the blood pressure in the short term (and should not be ingested immediately before a doctor checks your blood pressure). However, tolerance to caffeine develops quickly, and any blood pressure elevation is not sustained.

medications-to-treat-high-blood pressure

High blood pressure and Sex

High blood pressure and Sex

Are you suffering from any type of heart disease, it's only naturalto have concerns about whether sex is still safe for you or not. Yes you have good news: According to the American Heart Association,most people with heart disease can have sex safely -- and that includes those with high blood pressure symptoms.

Sexlike any other form of exercise keep the heart pumping. And, in rare cases, some people may have heart attack in extra exertion. Butthe risks are encouragingly small. According to a report in the July20, 2000 issue of the American Journal of Cardiology, fewer than 1 percent of all heart attacks occur during sexual activity. Still,some people need to be carefulAs reported in the American Journal of Cardiology, for people withsevere high blood pressure that isn't under control, sex really can bedangerous. If you have high blood pressure but aren't getting treatment -- or if your blood pressure is high despite treatment --your doctor may ask you to abstain from sex or other strenuousactivity until your pressure is under control. If there's any doubtabout your safety, your doctor will order a stress test like Excercise tolerance test to measure the effects of exercise on your heart muscles.

Sexual Functioning can be affected by High Blood Pressure
Whether you're a woman or a man, high blood pressure can definitely put a damper on your sex life. Among men, high blood pressure can cause erectile dysfunction by slowing the supply of blood to the penis. A survey of 104 men with high blood pressure, published in the October 2000 issue of The Journal of Urology, found that the vast majority -- 71 patients -- had some form of erectile dysfunction. For 47 men -- nearly half -- the problem was severe.

What is role of high blood pressure on female sexuality.
A study of 640 women, published in the June 2000 issue of The American Journal of Hypertension, found that the women with high blood pressure were significantly more likely than others to suffer pain during intercourse. They also were more likely to have decreased vaginal lubrication and trouble reaching orgasm.

Effect of High Blood Pressure medications on sexuality.

Many drugs that are good for your heart can be hard on your sex life. According to the Mayo Clinic, many diuretics and beta blockers, two very popular classes of blood pressure medicine can affect a person's sex drive and cause erectile problems in men.
Though it’s usually safe to take erectile dysfunction drugs (Viagra, Levitra, Cialis) with high blood pressure medication, don’t take them with nitrates, this can cause a life-threatening drop in blood pressure as these drugs cause intense vasodilation also.
If you have any sexual difficulties after taking your high blood pressure medication, don't suffer in silence. Your doctor can usually solve the problem by simply changing the prescription. As reported in Postgraduate Medicine, ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers can lower blood pressure with little to no risk of sexual side effects.

Some High blood pressure medicines may actually give a boost to a person's sex life. A study of 82 men with sexual dysfunction, published in the May 2001 issue of the American Journal of Medicine and Science, found that patients had more reliable erections and more frequent sex after treatment with the drug losartan (Cozaar). Losartan belongs to a relatively new class of drugs known as angiotensin II receptor antagonists or ARBs.
Whatever medicine your doctor prescribes, be sure to follow theinstructions carefully.
tomato-extract-helps-reduce-blood pressure

Tomato extract helps reduce blood pressure

Tomato extract helps reduce blood pressure

A daily dose of a tomato extract could lower high blood pressure (BP) for
people with moderate hypertension, reports research from Israel. It is not as widely known as one might think that there really is one great fruit that can lower blood pressure. Tomato has been proven, in recent Israeli studies to help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of cancer later in life, and helps to keep your heart healthy and working as it should be. It is not completely understood as to why this has only just recently been discovered, as scientists have tested thousands of different types of fruit and vegetables to determine their potential health benefits and uses.

Tomatoes are easily available in market. You can buy them almost anywhere, and even some of the big brands of tomato sauce contain enough real tomatoes to be just as beneficial, although not in larger quantities as they also contain rather a lot of sugar (Glucose). Tomatoes are also anti-oxidents and also help to reduce the risk of most forms of cardiac diseases. Shocking that the Italians, who are well known for having a very low rate of heart disease cases reported, have been eating so many tomatoes for such a long time, and nobody has given attention to this.

Dr. Esther Paran led This study on the health benefits of tomatoes, She is the leading lady at the hypertension division of Soroka Medical Center. It was mostly a case study performed on patients suffering from high blood pressure, where other drugs had completely failed. Dr. Paran gave patients a dose of concentrated tomato essence, along with adding tomatoes into their diets, at least more than usual. The results were astonishing. Dr. Paran saw results fast, sometimes in as little as four or five weeks. This aqueous fruit definitely looks to be an almost miracle treatment, although it is not supposed to be a cure.

The natural presence of the chemical Lycopene
The is attributed to effectiveness of the tomato in lowering high blood pressure. This is a
very powerful anti-oxidant that has recently been extracted from 'hybrid' tomatoes that were grown in Israel, called the Lycomato, which were specifically grown to ensure higher concentrations of Lycopene, inside each and every piece of tomato. Lycopene is not the only anti-oxidant that is naturally present in tomatoes. The long list make tomatoes a 'super-food' in reference to lots of different potential heart conditions. While tomatoes may not necessarily lower cholesterol, if you eat them regularly, they can help to prevent LDL cholesterol from sticking to the inside walls of the arteries.

It can be difficult to consume four whole tomatoes each day even during the peak growing season, which is the recommended amount for having a positive impact on high blood pressure. Without having to eat them straight off the vine, here are some ways to get the benefits of tomatoes.

1. A side salad can be taken With any food, as it does not add many calories. If you have one tomato, whole, sliced, it does not really matter how you eat, just that you do.

2. Tomato juice drinking is one of the best ways to cram as many tomatoes as you can into a juicer, making sure that you have a huge dose of the beneficial anti-oxidants.

3. Using tomato puree make Chilis, which is a concentrated form of tomatoes, as the base for your chili utilizes the antioxidants without the bulk of a whole tomato. Add some ultra-lean and high protein ground bison and kidney beans with minced garlic and onions, and cayenne pepper and you have a heart-healthy main course and a full day's allowance of tomato.

4. Eat pasta in a tomato sauce and take a leaf out of the Italian's book. Use olive oil to fry the onions and garlic, use tomato puree or paste to color the sauce, and use fresh and/or canned tomatoes to flavor and fill the sauce. Using this many tomato ingredients ensures that you will consume far more than the necessary amount of tomatoes and nearly ten times as many nutrients.

5. 200mg tomato supplement tablets. These are good for anybody that does not like the taste of tomatoes but still wants to use them as a medicine. When you take these tablets you are actually taking in more nutrients than you would if you ate the full recommended four tomatoes.

Having more tomatoes decreases systolic blood pressure by up to 10 points and diastolic blood pressure by up to 4 points. It has definitely become apparent that tomatoes are very, very beneficial for you and your well being, no matter how they are prepared, and in whatever combination and form.
High blood pressure symptoms

Role of TEKTURNA in controling High blood Pressure

Role of TEKTURNA in controling High blood Pressure

Role of TEKTURNA in controling High blood Pressure:
More than 1 out of 3 people being treated with high blood pressure medicine still have numbers that are too high. If your blood pressure is uncontrolled, you may benefit from prescription TEKTURNA new medicine for hypertension. To understand how TEKTURNA works, one should know about an enzyme in our body called renin.

What is Renin and the Renin System.
Renin is an enzyme produced in the kidneys, may contribute to high blood pressure. It plays a role in blood pressure rising and falling. Renin starts a chemical process that narrows (contriction) blood vessels. In some people, the renin system is inappropriately activated.

TEKTURNA directly targets renin system.(Renin Inhibitor)
This new treatment may help lower your blood pressure by targeting an enzyme in your body called renin, which may contribute to high blood pressure. By inhibiting renin, TEKTURNA helps reduces the beginning of a process that may raise blood pressure. TEKTURNA works well in helping lower your blood pressure closer to 120/80 mm Hg, a normal blood pressure for most adults. you can take it in a convenient once-daily dose. National guideline recommends treatment with medication for people with uncontrolled hypertension (140/90 mm Hg or higher) after making proper lifestyle changes.
Tekturna is a prescription medication for adults used to treat hypertension. It can be used alone or as combination therapy .
Tekturna has not been adequately studied in combination with the maximum doses of a class of medications called ACE inhibitors.

Important Considerations
IMPORTANT WARNING: If you get pregnant, stop taking Tekturna or any ACE inhibitor and call your doctor right away. Tekturna may harm an unborn baby, causing injury and even death. If you plan to become pregnant, talk to your doctor about other treatment options before
taking Tekturna.
Do not take Tekturna if you are allergic to this product.
If you develop an allergic reaction involving swelling of the throat or tongue face, lips which may cause difficulty in breathing and swallowing, stop taking Tekturna and contact your doctor

Your blood pressure may get too low if you also take water pills like diuretics, are on a low-salt diet, get dialysis treatments, have heart problems or get sick with vomiting or diarrhea. Lie down if you feel faint or dizzy. Call your doctor right away.
Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including whether you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, are breast-feeding, or have kidney problems.

FAQ about High Blood Pressure

FAQ about High Blood Pressure

Answers to your frequently asked questions about high blood pressure, in medical terminology called as hypertension.

1. What are Causes of High Blood Pressure?
Specially in essential hypertension we dont see any cause of high blood pressure, however a variety of conditions -- such as getting little or no exercise, poor diet, obesity, older age, and genetics can lead to high blood pressure.

2. What Is Diastolic and systolic Blood Pressure?
Normally, the blood pressure reading is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and is written as systolic pressure, the force of the blood against the artery walls as your heart beats or contracts, over diastolic pressure, when the heart relaxes. For example, a blood pressure reading is written as 13/80 mm Hg, or "130 over 80". The systolic pressure is 130 and the diastolic pressure is 80.

3. What Is a Normal Blood Pressure value?

The Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure has classified blood pressure measurements into several categories:

* "Normal" blood pressure is systolic pressure less than 120 and diastolic pressure less than 80. mmHg
* "Prehigh blood pressure" is systolic pressure of 120-139 or diastolic pressure of 80-89. mmHg
* Stage 1 high blood pressure is blood pressure greater than systolic pressure of 140-159 or diastolic pressure of 90-99 mmHg or greater.
* Stage 2 high blood pressure is systolic pressure of 160 or greater or diastolic pressure of 100 or greater.

4. What Health Complications are Associated With high blood pressure?

Several potentially serious health conditions are linked to high blood pressure, including:

* Atherosclerosis: a disease of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque, or fatty material, on the inside walls ( Endothelium )of the blood vessels . high blood pressure contributes to this buildup by putting added stress and force on the artery walls causing endothelial injury.
* Stroke CVA or Transient Ischaemic attacks: high blood pressure can lead to stroke, either by contributing to the process of atherosclerosis (which can lead to blockages and/or clots), or by
weakening the blood vessel wall and causing it to rupture called as cerebral haemmorhage.
* Eye Disease: high blood pressure can damage the very small blood vessels in the retina.
* Heart Disease: High blood pressure is most common cause of left heart failure. heart failure (the heart can't adequately pump blood), ischemic heart disease (the heart tissue doesn't get enough blood), and hypertensive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart) are all associated with high blood pressure.
* Kidney Disease: high blood pressure can damage the blood vessels and filters in the kidneys, so that the kidneys cannot excrete waste properly.

5. How Do I Know if I Have high blood pressure?

high blood pressure often doesn't have any symptoms that is why called as silent killer, so you usually don't feel it. For that reason, high blood pressure is usually diagnosed by a health care professional on a routine medical checkup. This is especially important if you have a close relative who has high blood pressure or embody risk factors for it. If your blood pressure is extremely high which is also called as Malignant hypertension, you may have unusually strong headaches, chest pain, and heart failure, or signs and symptoms of strok like paralysis or numbness of arm or feet (especially difficulty breathing and poor exercise tolerance). If you have any of these symptoms, seek treatment immediately.

6. How Is High blood pressure Treated naturally?
High blood pressure treatment usually involves making lifestyle modifications and, if necessary, drug therapy.Following Lifestyle changes can control blood pressure naturally

* Regular exercise (such as brisk walking for half hour atleast).
* Limiting alcohol drinking.
* Losing weight.
* Quitting smoking.
* Eating a healthy diet, such as the DASH diet.
* Reducing the amount of salt in your diet.

7-What are common medicine for high blood pressure
High blood pressure medications include angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
angiotensin receptor blockers ARBs diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers.

8. What Are the Side Effects of High blood pressure Medications?
As is true with any medication, High blood pressure medications have also side effects. Among the most common are the following:

* Calcium channel blockers: dizziness, trouble breathing, heart rhythm problems palpitation, ankle swelling, constipation.
* Beta-blockers: dizziness or lightheadedness, decreased sexual ability, drowsiness, low heart rate (Bradycardia).
* Diuretics: headache, weakness, joint or muscle pain, low potassium blood levels.
* ACE inhibitors: dry and persistent cough, headache, diarrhea, high potassium blood levels.
* Angiotensin receptor blockers: fatigue, dizziness or fainting, muscle pain, diarrhea.

9. What Type of Diet Should I Follow if I Have High blood pressure?
A healthy diet, such as the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop High blood pressure) diet, is very effective at lowering high blood pressure. The DASH diet calls for a certain number of daily servings from various food groups, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
The following steps can also help:

* Eating less red meat and sweets
* Eating foods that are high in magnesium, potassium, and calcium
* Eating more fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods
* Eating less of foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol, such as fried foods
* Eating more whole grain products, fish, poultry, and nuts

10. When Should I Call My Doctor?
If you are diagnosed with High blood pressure, it's important to consult your doctor on a regular basis. He can answer your questions during these medical checkup sessions.
However, there may be other times when you may need to speak to your physician like:
* If you are having any side effects from the blood pressure medication. If this happens, your doctor may wish to adjust the dosage of the medication or put you on another medication.
* If you aren't responding to the prescribed treatment and your blood pressure is still high.

11. Are There any Medications that Cause High blood pressure?
Some medications that you take for another condition may cause High blood pressure. These include birth control pills , migraine medications, cyclosporine and erythropoietin, amphetamines, Ritalin, corticosteroids, hormones, NSAIDs like brufen. Also, many over-the-counter medications (for example, allergy, cold and asthma medications and appetite suppressants) can cause High blood pressure.
High Blood Pressure Symptoms.......

Doing Enough for High Blood Pressure?

Doing Enough for High Blood Pressure?

More than 24,400 participants said they had been told at least twice by a doctor or other health professional that they had high blood pressure sysmptoms.

Participants with high blood pressure answered these five questions:
* Are you changing your eating habits to help lower or control your high blood pressure?
* Are you cutting down on salt to help lower or control your high blood pressure?
* Are you reducing alcohol use to help lower or control your high blood pressure?
* Are you exercising to help lower or control your high bloodpressure?
* Are you currently taking medicine for your high blood pressure?

Virtually all participants -- 98% -- said they were doing at least one of those things. But many had room for improvement.Nearly 30% hadn't changed their eating habits. About 20% hadn't cut back on salt or alcohol. More than 30% didn't exercise. About 25% weren't taking medicine for their blood pressure.

Blood Pressure rises in Winter.

Blood Pressure rises in Winter.

Falling temperatures in winter may cause an unhealthy rise in high blood pressure in elderly people.We have seen that seasonal variations in high blood pressure symptoms have been noted for many years, but only few studies have looked at these temperature-related effects in one of the most at-risk populations i.e the elder people.

Now a large study from France has shown that blood pressure in elderly people varies significantly in winter season, with rates of high blood pressure readings rising from 23.8% in summer to 33.4% in winter. This Blood pressure increase has been seen in both the systolic (top) and diastolic (bottom) numbers.

Researcher Annick Alperovitch, MD, of the Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale, in Paris, and colleagues write in the Archives of Internal Medicine "Elderly persons may be particularly susceptible to temperature-related variations in high blood pressure sysmptoms,". Mechanisms that could explain the association between blood pressure and temperature remain unclear.

"Possible explanations of the cold weather effect include activation of the sympathetic nervous system and release of the hormone catecholamine" researchers say, which may increase blood pressure by speeding the heart rate and decreasing the responsiveness of blood vessels.

Seasonal Variation in High Blood Pressure.

In this study, researchers observed seasonal variation in blood pressure among 8,801 adults over the age of 65 in France over 2 years.This study results showed both systolic and diastolic blood pressures varied with the weather.
Researchers found that the average systolic blood pressure was 5 points higher in winter than in summer. They also noted that the temperature-related effects on high blood pressure were greatest among those 80 and or greater than 80s.
The authors of this study write"Although our study does not demonstrate a causal link between blood pressure and external temperature, the observed relationship nevertheless has potentially
important consequences for high blood pressure symptoms management in the elderly,"

Researchers also say the findings may explain the well known seasonal variations in illness and death from stroke, blood vessel rupture, or aneurysm. They mentioned "Because the risk of stroke or aneurysmal rupture is highest in the elderly, improved protection against these diseases by close monitoring of blood pressure and antihypertensive medication when outdoor temperature is very low could be considered,"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nurse Assigned in Rural Areas (NARS)

Appply Now:APPLY NOW

The NARS Program, a Training cum Employment Program, aims to address the (1) glut in inexperienced nurses and the proliferation of "volunteer nurses" working in hospitals without being paid, but instead, they themselves pay the hospitals to obtain Certificate of work experience; and (2) to promote health of the people and bring the government closer to them.

Unemployed nurses will be mobilized in their hometowns as warriors for wellness to do the three I's:

* Initiate primary health, school nutrition, maternal health programs, first line diagnosis
* Inform about community water sanitation practices and also do health surveillance
* Immunize children and mothers.

They shall likewise serve as roving nurses for rural schools.

Nurses will be deployed at an average of 5 per town in the 1,000 poorest municipalities, for a six-months tour of duty. Another batch will be deployed for the second half of the year. These nurses will undergo training and development for competency enhancement in accordance with the training program designed by the DOH in collaboration with the PRC-BON. The training program will cover both the clinical and public health functions.

Completion of the training program under NARS program shall be considered as a substitute for the work experience requirement of hospitals and other health facilities, both local and overseas. The Certificate of Completion shall be issued jointly by the DOLE, DOH and PRC.

While on training, nurses will be given a stipend/allowance of P8,000.00 per month. This translates to about P366.00 per day for a forty (40) hours training/workweek. As these nurses are already in their hometowns, transportation expenses will no longer be a problem.

The stipend of P8,000 may be increased if the host LGUs will offer a counterpart of say P2,000. Corporations may chip in by providing shirts, insurance, vitamins, etc., making the program a national enterprise with private equity.

Program Coverage

Unemployed registered nurses who are physically and mentally fit and willing to serve in their hometowns and who meet the following requirements may qualify for the training cum employment under NARS:

* With valid nurse license issued by the PRC
* Not over 35 years old
* Resident of the identified municipalities
* No nursing-related practice for the past 3 years

Nurse applicants who are dependents of workers affected by the Global Crisis based on the list provided by the DOLE Regional office shall be given priority in the selection.
Online Application

Application may be filed from 20 February 2009 to 22 March 2009. List of successful applicants with area of assignment shall be posted on 26-31 March 2009.

Covered Municipalities

The selection of the 1,000 poorest municipalities shall be based on the City and Municipal Poverty Incidence based on Small Area Poverty Estimates (SAE) of the National Statistics and Coordination Board/World Bank Intercensal Updating of Small Area Poverty Estimates. This same SAE is being used by the DSWD in their Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program and also for prioritizing target households for their National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction. Covered under the NARS Project shall be those cities and municipalities with poverty rank 1 (poorest) to rank 1,000.

Timetable of Activities

First Batch (5,000 nurse-trainees)

1. Recruitment and selection February 20 - March 22
2. Posting of successful applicants with area of assignment March 26-31
3. Orientation of nurse-trainees, Deployment to area of assignments April 1-2

For more details:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How Aloe Vera is Useful for Us in Our Daily Life

A famous usual curer, Aloe Vera has been planning use of externally for thousands of years on demolish by fire, scratches and cuts. Recently, investigators have originated that the aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides could turn out to be steady and drag out from the raw and fresh plant, in the course of a cautious freeze aeration procedure, which jumbles the enzymes, mineral salts and irritants bring into life form in the raw and fresh Aloe Vera plant. All the way through this technique, the compensations make longer far beyond its previous skin-healing possessions. Citizens with harsh digestive disorder are easing indications in a way they by no means charged credible - not comprising drugs and their dangerous and harming side effects. The aloe mucilaginous polysaccharide molecule reinstates to fitness inside.

Aloe Vera has been a very important part of human beings medicine container for more than four thousand years. It is on purpose to have brought about in muggy Africa where on earth it was made use of to take care of deadly projectile wound. From there it inspired from area to area to all the main civilizations and quickly developed into well known for its amazing healing powers. Aloe plant apparatus are expansively renowned for their uses in folk prescriptions, mostly for their capacity to give support to healing of unimportant coetaneous wound and for protection of skin cells. More than a few in vitro educations have uncovered Aloe substance incite the fibroblast and epithelial cell improvement and influence lection like respond in protected cells concerned in skin damage repair measures.

In our up to date education, we extensively scrutinized Aloe resources taken out from all the leaves and solid filets for their qualified special effects on beginning of promulgation in fibroblast cells and in support of the Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides, in elements like neuron. Aloe gel resources were originated to enhance making in deferral treated cells like neuron to a superior level than that observed in equally cured fibroblast cells in momentary cultures. In very old cultures cells are healed not more than one time.

Aloe resources conserved both cells feasibility at different dosage of Aloe. This education discloses for the first time that to some extent purified resources in Aloe extracts can give confidence to the development of cells like neuron in vitro, consequently expanding the enormous selection of cells that are tremendously reactive with Aloe resources.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Going Good and Back on Track

So, lately I know I've been sort of the blogger you don't want to be around. Ha Ha, I was just down in the dumps from the slow weight loss but I am indeed back on track. I just lost 1.8 lbs, you guys and that is HUGE for the slump I've been in lately.

Last Week: 181.6
This Week: 179.8
DOWN!!!!! 1.8 lbs

YES!!! (jumping up and down) I am officially in the 170's and theres no turning back to the 200's, 190's or 180's anymore. I am on a healthy voyage in life and it feels so good to finally see the 170's...this is something I haven't seen since my teenage years (im 29). Um, I can't complain at all. I have been eating a lot of citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, grapefruits, and I've been putting a product called TRUE LEMON in my water. Of course you know that lemon detoxifies your body as well as put your PH balance back on track. If your body isn't bagged down with toxins, it can lose weight more efficiently. Lemons also are blood sugar stabilizers that speed the metabolism and keep weight loss moving along so get some lemons in your diet and citrus:)

Sorry I haven't been putting up pics of what I eat lately, however, I have been eating pretty much the same diet. Heres a rundown of what I ate yesterday just to give you an idea as to how my diet is going

  • Breakfast: 2 egg whites w/greenpeppers and onions scrambles and toast 135 cal
  • SNACK: grapefruit and hummus w/pita bread - 160 cal
  • Lunch: Tuna wrapped in Lettuce with boiled egg - 140 cal
  • SNACK: whole wheat crackers w/laughing cow cheese and grapes- 220 cal
  • SNACK: handfull of walnuts 200 calorie
  • Dinner: chicken breast, black beans with salsa, brussel sprouts - 450 cal
  • I was hungry snack: homemade (non microwave) popcorn - 100 cal
  • TOTAL: 1405 calories for the day!!!

I hope you guys have been doing good. I am subscribed to so many blogs that I rarely get a chance to read everyones so if you really want me to check out a certain post, put it in the comments section and I will head on over to your blog and check it out. I am sorry if I haven't been by your blogs lately but I am so busy with my 9 month old baby and being a busy wife that sometimes my downtime (browsing online) is nonexistent. Ok, I am back on track and excited for whats to come. Next week my goal is to be atleast 177 so watch out world, here I come!

Monday, March 2, 2009

How to do the Liver Flush

What is a Liver Flush you ask, well I did a video on this a while ago so check it out, but if you are unable to view the is some useful information on the liver flush:

One of your liver's main tasks is to regulate the metabolism of fat, and to remove excess fat from your body in the bile. Alcohol, chemicals in the home or workplace, medicinal drugs and excess waste products resulting from a poor diet (especially from processed foods) can all damage your liver. They cause excessive fat to build up within your liver, which impairs its ability to function. This means that your liver is no longer able to handle fats properly, allowing fat to start accumulating around your waistline or being deposited under your skin as cellulite SO FLUSH IT!!!!!

In some severe cases of excessively fatty livers and/or slow sluggish livers, it may be necessary to continue on the liver cleanse for several months to see good results. I've heard upto 6 months for optimal results. However some people see results much sooner than that.
Some people also opt to add another supplement to this regime in order to increase the bodys ablility to burn off fat stores such as Omega 3 supplements and Fish oil/flaxseed oil

Fatty degeneration of the liver is not a condition that often makes the headlines. Yet it affects more than 50 per cent of people The most common symptoms of this condition are difficulty in losing weight, a potbelly or 'spare tyre', cellulite and a high blood cholesterol reading (which can be detected through a simple blood test).

It's vital to look after your liver - it's the largest organ in your body and has many important functions. Everything that you eat, breathe or absorb through your skin must be refined and detoxified by your liver.

2 Lemon Juice (real lemons)
2 Grapefruit Juice(real grapefruits)
2 Oranges (real oranges)
1/4 cup Olive Oil
2 TBSP Epsom Salt

wisk the first 5 ingredients together to emulsify the ingredients, then add water gradually throughout the day and sip. This will cause you to go to the bathroom so make sure you can stay in all day. When I did this on 1/25/2009 I lost 4.2 lbs at my next weigh in so it works!