New Tattoo

Sunday, February 15, 2009


July 2008

Well, Sorry I haven't posted as much. It hasn't necessarily been a busy week, more like a semi-lazy one due to being sick. I went to the gym 4 times this week because I had a chest cold. I would have liked to have gone more but my chest was hurting sooo bad, and I also didn't want to spread my nasty chest cold in the gym so I stayed home and ate extra light. As I told you guys, I am finally in the 170's but thats only in the mornings. When I first wake up, I weigh 179.8 but throughout the day, I weigh 181-184....depends on what I ate I guess. I told you guys I am a scale addict and that is putting it nicely LOL. I have since cut back on getting on the scale as much as I used to. I was up to getting on the scale at least 12x a day but I am now down to about 4-5x daily ha ha... I am slowly recovering from my scale addiction and trust me, it isn't easy.
I have some new neighbors who always talk about that program called the P90X . Its supposed to make you lose mega weight in 90 days and promise results that are groundbreaking. They swear by it, and she lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks on it. I thought I would research it and see if it was for me, but its too much work and you need too much equipment so I decided I will stick to the elliptical I was in bed lastnight trying to get some sleep and my husband was up watching that show called MANswers . I usually tune the show out because it is sexist to say the least but lastnight they brought up a topic that sparked my interest. They said you can get fit without lifting a finger or without going to the gym. Sounds good, huh. Well after several commercials and laying there anxiously waiting for the crazy show to get to the point, I finally found out how. They said just think about yourself being in the gym and think of that nice body and eating right and your body will manifest your thoughts - then you will become what you think of. Sounds ridiculous but its worth a try so I will think that I am ultra thin with lean thighs and no cellulite and we will see what happens.

Well I am rambling so I will leave you with this quote that I happen to love. Hey, I made it up myself so feel free to use it anytime you like:)

"Paint the picture of your life, live it, and make it a masterpiece"!


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