New Tattoo

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Discover How To Solve Acne Problems Naturally and Effectively

Do you suffer from Acne? A lot of people do and get frustrated. Frustration leads us to a frantic search for treatment that will hopefully stop acne. However there are remedies that help cure acne completely without any need for treatment or medical advice. What do I need to do then? Here are some tips how to kill acne.

Clean Your Skin
Acne starts when bacteria get’s into the pore. The inside of a pore is warm, and if there is dirt, it provides the best living condition for bacteria to feed and multiply. To avoid bacteria increasing in our pores we need to clean our faces at least once a day. Do not wash face more than two times because it will dry your skin and lead to further problems.

Never Touch Infected Area
If you have pimples on your face, never try to squeeze or touch them. That will lead the infection to be transferred on you hands and eventually spread to other areas. Instead of squeezing the pimples try to clear the pore by applying a small amount of Benzoyl Peroxide and then rub some antibiotic treatment.

Try To Check Product Labels
When using treatment make sure you check product labels. Be sure that products are non-comedigenic meaning that they will not clog your pores. It is when the pores blogged when the trouble starts. It is very important at this stage to avoid bacteria growth which leads to breakouts.

Wash Hands Frequently
Make sure to wash your hands often. If you do not wash your hands regularly you are risking spreading bacteria. Activities such as using the bathroom or handling animals could easily spread infections after touching your face with filthy hands. It is most important to wash hands even after handling greasy foods. The excessive amount of oil deposits in the pores increase the possibilities to an outbreak.

Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking plenty of water is good for the skin by not letting it dry out. Drinking water helps the body system to flush out and get rid of waste. Your face will produce oil if skin gets dry. If the oil is produced in excessive amounts this will lead to clogged pores. It is a fact that most of the acne treatments that we try will not stop it completely.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Charity Gifts Aid Health

Charity Gifts Aid Healthcare

As Christmas rapidly approaches we thought we would offer suggestions how to help improve your health whilst helping others.

Giving Benefits Health

Studies in Europe have suggested that generous, thoughtful giving offers benefits to health - the act of giving creates a sense of well being which in turn reduce stress and anxiety thereby helping to lower blood pressure.

For maximum effect why not consider giving a charity gift that will help others?

For many years people have felt good about sending charity Christmas cards but Charity gifts are increasingly popular and various charities now offer imaginative gift ideas that will help those in most need.

Charity Gifts

Healthcare charities and aid agencies all sell christmas cards but now online shopping is being embraced by forward thinking organisations. Oxfam, for example, give visitors the opportunity to provide water and shelter for communities that are suffering the effects of natural disasters around the world and even buy a goat.

The principle goal of these charity gifts is to raise money that can be used to help relieve suffering - be that locally with medical conditions and illnessess, or further afield where communities are feeling the effects of climate change - floods, drought and famine.

See for yourself if you feel better after making a charitable gift - it doesn't have to be Christmas but we think it is an ideal time to try new ways of giving.

Next in the run up to Christmas we will once again remind visitors of the perils of the white stuff - salt

Monday, October 19, 2009

How These Five People Fight MS

Here is an excellent new website with some superb bloggers talking about how they live victoriously with MS.

Check it out -

Green Tea The Alternative Remedies

Green tea the alternative remedies is not new to people living in the eastern countries. Green tea is one of the popular drinks in eastern culture especially for people in rural area in beside traditional tea. Green tea is a type of tea made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis that has undergone minimal oxidation during processing.

Green tea is palest in color, generally light green or yellow and after the tea leaves are picked, the green tea leaves, they undergo lightly process to prevent some natural changes from taking place such as auto –oxidation catalyzed by enzymes present in the freshly plucked leaves. If allow this oxidation would convert the tea progress to Oolong and then the black tea. Light steaming will prevents this oxidation thus preserved the natural antioxidants in the leaves, this result is green tea.

Green tea originates from China and has become associated with many cultures in Asia from Japan to the Middle East. Green tea has become more widespread in the West, where black tea is traditionally consumed. Many varieties of green tea have been created in countries where it is grown. These varieties can differ substantially due to variable growing conditions, processing and harvesting time.
Green tea become popular in the West after scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. For example, in 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent.

University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells. There is also research indicating that drinking green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Green tea can be used as the alternative remedies for infection, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol levels, cardiovascular disease and impaired immune function. The ability of green tea act as alternative remedies is in the fact that it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate. Epigallocatechin gallate is a powerful anti-oxidant besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots.

The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke. Drink Green tea also is good for healthy teeth and gums because the ability green tea to help reduce symptoms of periodontal disease may be due to the presence of the antioxidant catechin.

Previous research has demonstrated antioxidants' ability to reduce inflammation in the body, and the indicators of periodontal disease measured in this study, PD, CAL and BOP, suggest the existence of an inflammatory response to periodontal bacteria in the mouth. By interfering with the body's inflammatory response to periodontal bacteria, green tea may actually help promote periodontal health, and ward off further disease.

Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth, and has been associated with the progression of other diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Periodontists believe that maintaining healthy gums is absolutely critical to maintaining a healthy body," says Dr. David Cochran, DDS, PhD, President of the AAP and Chair of the Department of Periodontics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. "That is why it is so important to find simple ways to boost periodontal health, such as regularly drinking green tea – something already known to possess certain health-related benefits."

Thus try green tea today and feel the different .

Sunday, October 11, 2009

In less than 10 minutes for healthier alive

Until this time peoples think to become good health we must take exercise at fitness centre or consuming expensive organic food. This way really true but there many other ways also can salubrious body with no wasting time.

In less than 10 minutes habits will great affect for our body. Follow some short and simple ways to make body is healthier, like to quoted from Health24, Friday (9/10/2009), that is:

  1. Drink regularly. Everybody know that everyday we must drink 8 glasses of water. But better if imbibe it little but often, because if we direct drink in big portions can cause the loss of important nutrition from body.
  2. Tomato consumption. Tomatoes contain lycopene that is anti-oxide that is important to oppose cancer. Otherwise, if we don’t like eating raw, we can use sauce or tomatoes pasta.
  3. Breakfast. Breakfast is importance for energy source as activity supporting up to lunch later. If there is no more time, we can breakfast with fruit, milk or yogurt.
  4. Wash our hand with soap, is important to avoid virus or bacteria that can causes disease.
  5. Toothbrush, brushing tooth routinely 2 times a day can prevent tooth damage and mouth disease.
  6. Always use safety belt, with do that will protect you especially head and neck if there are something happen that not desirable.
  7. Use ladder. Use the ladder to aim your work room. If you put hand to floor 22nd, use the ladder up to floor 3rd or 4th before use elevator.
  8. Breathe in, do this regularly so can decrease level stress and avoid various disease.

The several things may be have heard often, but have you applied in life everyday?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Vegetarian Diets Health Effects / Vegetarian : Vegan : Health : Mortality

There are several reason for many people being vegetarian. For their religious view, health concern, or sometimes their care for animals. Being Vegetarian means not including meat, poultry or fish on their menu. Other vegetarian exclude dairy products and eggs. Vegetarian and vegan diets can vary widely, but the empirical evidence largely relates to the nutritional content and health effects of the average diet of well-educated vegetarians living in Western countries, together with some information on vegetarians in non-Western countries. These are some reviews from journals about the health effects of vegan diets.

In general, vegetarian diets provide relatively large amounts of cereals, pulses, nuts, fruits and vegetables. In terms of nutrients, vegetarian diets are usually rich in n-6 fatty acids, dietary fibre, carotenoids, carbohydrates, , folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E and Mg, and relatively low in protein, saturated fat, long-chain n-3 fatty acids, retinol, vitamin B(12) and Zn; vegans may have particularly low intakes of vitamin B(12) and low intakes of Ca. Cross-sectional studies of vegetarians and vegans have shown that on average they have a relatively low BMI and a low plasma cholesterol concentration; recent studies have also shown higher plasma homocysteine concentrations than in non-vegetarians.

Very high homocysteine levels in the blood can damage the lining of the arteries. In addition, high homocysteine levels may make blood clot more easily than it should. This can increase the risk of blood vessel blockages. A clot inside your blood vessel is called a thrombus which can travel in the bloodsteam and get stuck in your lungs (called a pulmonary embolism), in your brain (which can cause a stroke) or in your heart (which can cause a heart attack.)

In several studies, Vegetarians have shown a moderate reduction in mortality from Ischemic Heart Disease but little difference in other major causes of death or all-cause mortality in comparison with health-conscious non-vegetarians from the same population.

Vegetarian diets, particularly vegan diets, are associated with lower BMD, (bone mineral density) which is one of osteoporosis cause., but the magnitude of the association is clinically insignificant.

Resources :

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October is my favorite Month...

Hello! Long time no "see". Life is finally calming down a bit for me now so I am going to blog on the latest and greatest.


We've been officially moved in with my in-laws for 1 full week now and so far so good. We'll see if I feel the same way after 1 month of living here. Last minute issues like my in-laws telling us "No you can't store your furniture and stuff here" lead to more money spent on a storage unit and such but hey, at least we have a roof over our heads and the apartment complex who was going to sue us for last months rent has agreed for us to just pay in payments.


My job is going fantastically! In 3 months they've realized I was a Tier above the work I was doing and promoted me (still while I was a contractor) AND They've offered me a Full Time position as an actual EMPLOYEE with benefits!!! Woo Hoo! This will take about 1 month till all the references are checked, background check etc...but I am hopeful by November I will be an employee and eligible for health benefits!!

Hubs still has not found a job, but, he is going to apply this week for some Retail Christmas jobs etc to get something...anything. And still making contacts in the IT world so he can hopefully find something!


Angel of Friendship Willow Figurine (I love this one because it has a dog like mine)

I celebrated my 38th birthday yesterday, 1 day after my Mother-in-Law celebrated her 65th. My sister in law and nephew came up from Florida so we could make a BIG deal out of MIL's birthday and because they (the golden child and her offspring) were here nothing really occurred for MY birthday. We went out to lunch and did a little window shopping and then last night my legs killed me...Gabapentin take me away....and it did....eventually. The friend celebration will be in a few weeks so that's good! :-)

Willow Tree Friendship Figurine that I got from my Sister In Law Sarah

I started collecting Willow Tree Collectibles and got my first 2 for my birthday. I commented how I liked these a few weeks ago and Hubs was paying attention! I've never collected anything before, so I thought I would start with these! :) You can buy them at any collectible store and cracker barrel! Or HERE (this link is for the benefit of my husband, assuming he'll read this!)

Next month is our first wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been a year since we went to Jamaica. Now that we are living here, I hope to save save save after hubs is working and get back there again someday. I'll have to plan something special to celebrate!

I am enjoying my favorite time of year (Fall), looking forward to my favorite holiday season (Christmas) and just excited to be living life again with fewer problems and MS interruptions. I am going to color my hair a chestnut color today for fall (fingers crossed I'm doing it myself) and really love the fact I have to wear long sleeves most days now.


Since this is an MS Blog I do not think I am jinxing myself by saying....WOW MY MS SYMPTOMS HAVE SUBSIDED THE PAST 6 WEEKS!!! I think my body is now in the rhythm of working 8-10 hours a day, coming home and relaxing and I switched my work hours to 9-6 which my internal clock loves...I get to sleep in till 7:30 some days! Getting on a regular schedule has resolved all my sleeping problems, working has been great for my emotional state and I am starting to feel like a "normal" person again. I loyally do my shots nightly as I really think they have a HUGE impact on how well I feel lately.

Don't get me wrong, I do have weak or painful leg days, however, they are few and far between. I realize what shoes I can and can't wear and I am disappointed that I must get rid of even my shoes with wide legs can't take them. One day at a time, the old me is coming to loose all this "MS" weight. MS weight is weight I gained during the last flare up when I sat around for over a year and did nothing...

Stress is still a constant, but, we are taking steps to making our lives better and less stressful and that is a good thing! I am in 3 Fantasy Football leagues this year and I pretty much suck in all 3, I laugh though as I am realizing there are more important things in life and I'm HAPPY now and thankful for all my blessings. Now I have to go kiss my husband and hug my dogs!

Enjoy the beautiful Fall weather friends! My favorite month is upon us and It just gets better as each week goes by!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Healthy Food Hampers | Gifts - Create A Hamper

Foods for healthy blood pressure

Much is debated about reducing salt in our diets to help lower blood pressure - along with many other no no's when it comes to what we eat and drink for our health's sake but we think it appropriate to highlight what we should eat more of in order to feel great and stay in good health.

Often overlooked are the benefits of certain types of super foods - especially fruits and vegetables that when eaten in combination.

Essential minerals - amny only found in specific types of fruit - contribute to a healthy heart and maintain a good level of blood pressure - see getting the most benefit out of fruit and veg.

How much?

Loads - it's common to hear five a day but fruit and vegetables could make up at least a third of your entire food intake.

Give a healthy hamper of food

As an example we have put together a "gift hamper" selection which might provoke you to create your own hampers with top quality healthy food that you know the recipient enjoys.

Suggestion for healthy hampers

Most gift hampers are usually full of luxury food and drinks - rarely the best health option - although the benefits of red wine and chocolate are sometimes reported in the health news.

Here's our ideas of things to include in your hampers which needn't cost a lot but if packaged properly will be a great gift.

  • banana - high in potassium - a great bp lowering food
  • apples
  • pears or at least one
  • oranges are not the only fruit
  • avocado - notorious super food
  • plums - get you r gums stuck into plums
  • grapefruit

if its a seasonal gift, christmas hampers can include all the festive fruits you cna fing - figs, satsumas and of course whole nuts beans and pulses - remember however much you eat, beans and pulses count as one portion each day

Fresh fruit is important but the concentration of dried fruit can also help the mineral intake so add these to your gift hampers too.

dried fruit (such as raisins and apricots)

healthy drinks

a glass (150ml) of fruit juice (however much you drink, fruit juice counts as a maximum of one portion a day)

No so easy for these food hampers is frozen or cooked food but don't be shy - they too caount as one of the five a day - frozen peas are more likely to be nutritionally better than raw peas as they are frozen to seal the healthy bits in quickly