New Tattoo

Monday, April 6, 2009

Bad News!

Hey Guys,
I went on vacation to America from Japan (my current residence is Japan) and this vacation caused me to fall off track COMPLETELY!! I have done the following:
  • ate 2 large Pizza Hut Pizzas in 2 days
  • ate over 3000 calories in a days time
  • started smoking cigarettes again
  • stopped drinking 8 bottles of water a day
  • haven't worked out since I've been back
  • sleeping schedule is all messed up
  • late night binge eating

And thats just to name a few. I had got down to 173 on my vacation, but then I started eating good food that my mom and sister in law cooked and now I am up to a whopping 186 lbs. That is a 13 lb gain within 2-3 weeks! I am so devastated with my hard work gone down the drain only because I went on a vacation! I need all the support and motivation I can get during this trying time. I want so bad to be able to get back on track and stop smoking cigs... I haven't smoked cigs in YEARS and now I am back to smoking...gee - I am so mad. Well, thats my update and hopefully you guys can whip me back into shape and get me back on track! SMoocHeS!


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